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In only a few days, this guy ships out to boot camp. 😥

Smoking is injurious to health! Smoke from kitchen kills too!
volunteers teach sustainable technologies to rural communities.

Beautiful worship in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, English, Korean and Persian.

Legend has it that when Lam Drukpa Kunley, also known as The Divine Madman arrived in Bhutan from Tibet (in the 15th century), he delivered religious teachings to the local whereupon they requested him to conjure up a miracle. And, he concurred, on the condition that he would be fed lunch – a whole cow & a whole goat.

The Legend of Takin - National Animal in Bhutan - Copy

Following what he commanded, the local offered him a massive lunch. The saint from Tibet devoured the flesh of both animals & left out the bones. After that, Lam Drukpa Kunley fixed the head of the goat onto the body of the cow and then, with a snap of his fingers uttered a mantra. That animal instantly sprung to life & began grazing on the meadows. The animal then named as “Dong Gyem Tsey” – Takin.

Do you need more reason to pray for in your daily prayers?

As we are approaching Sunday in the different parts of the world where each one lives, I want to wish all of my brothers & sisters in Christ a very blessed Resurrection Day!!! May we remember and meditate upon the Death and Resurrection of our Lord every day of the year! May He be glorified in and through each of us!!! 🙏 🙏 🙏

Join us in Sloan-Simpson Park 10am-4pm INVITE Others in & around NEW MEXICO + SPREAD THE WORD! Register at Eventbrite - in EVERY State of The USA!

SOO excited!!!… what a joy to spend time with these Kingdom Laborers! These hands and feet will be launching out to bring good news and multiply others in some of the darkest places on the planet- places overrun by Terrorists, suicide bombings, and lacking any gospel access… pray for HIS kingdom come!

The tombstone was rolled away.
Death was defeated.
My sins are forgiven.
I have everlasting life because of His blood that was shed for me and because He lives - I too have the promise of life eternal with my Creator.

Is there ANY better day to listen to The Champion?? 🙌🏼
Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Food cooked in open fire for 100 people! Loud music, Public gathering.
Our vehicles were parked several miles away from the gathering. We used borrowed Tuk- tuks to reach the location.
It was adventurous, fun and above all blessing for the believers community, who enjoyed the teaching, worship and food, after 2 years of waiting.
Bibles and other tools are stored in safe houses for the time being.
Thank you for your prayers.
(Representative pictures from open source).

Every moment looks so different with this same Friend.

I have a friend in Shanghai. He’s been locked in his apartment for a long time. I think about three weeks now. Please pray that the people are released and set free soon. I’ve heard reports of some committing suicide. This is a common side affect of lockdowns. We’ve seen it across the world. Kids suffer the most. They get addicted to gaming and dads lose it on families, etc etc. Pray that Holy Spirit comes and invades those home with Massive Shalom bombs that give nothing it peace healing and Justice of the soul! Amen!!

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