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Please pray for the children of ministry partners, who are appearing for their High School final exams.

Please continue to pray for first generation believers. They face numerous challenges! While praying for the future generations of believers, Jesus prayed John 17 :I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one.

Many of these new believers are the lone saved members of the family.
Recently a mother refused to entertain a discussion on marriage of her believer daughter as boy's family refused to serve 5 liters of liquor. 😪

Brother Yun starts his tour in Sweden tonight preaching in Södertälje!

I believe the biggest demonic force against the body of Christ is witchcraft. I also believe that statement means nothing until you experience the victory when fighting against it for family and your marriage.

Brother Yun will be in my town next week, as well as in other cities in Finland and Sweden. Thank you @sinbach for sharing this information!

-1 °C in Canada 44°C / 109 f in some parts of Asia!!!

“Heatwave conditions in isolated pockets very likely to prevail over Punjab, Haryana-Delhi, south Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar, Odisha and Jharkhand during 18th-19th,” the IMD said in a bulletin.

@MaryMamuzich @Kruselady @mensajero I would love to have chickens, but live in an urban area and chickens aren't allowed. I do have a very small yard that we turned into a garden. I also have a fish tank and am thinking of trying to grow some veggies on top🙂 I need to figure out some of the basics and get the supplies.

Just for laughs 😅🤣😂
Asiana Airlines will be filing a lawsuit against KTVU for its inappropriate and racist names that were falsely broadcasted mid day Friday 7/12...
....said Asiana's attorney Wi Su Yu

I'm helping my son with his homework, to understand equations. It's not the easiest thing to learn in math. A number line is always helpful, in particular if you count with negative numbers.

Asia moves on bicycles ! Bicycle is an ordinary person's Car. Just like a Goat is equivalent to Cow for a poor family.
House Church leaders get high mileage on Love and fresh air filled in their bicycle tires. Goats provide milk for the children and an insurance policy or bank deposit at the time of crisis. (They sell the goats and encash them).

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