It was the supposed to be date night, but the sitter (22) told us that she couldn’t make it because she was going to the hospital because she thought she might be having a heart attack! Please keep her in your prayers. I took the family out to dinner and then the car broke down afterwards…It was actually a beautiful afternoon for car trouble. Glad I was there and that we have hospitals, tow trucks, and Ubers.🙂 HEBREW WORSHIP from Israel - PE ECHAD - ONE VOICE [Live] SUBSCRIBE @crossculturenm @mftross @CBNetMedia & @ZionGlory (SEE The ‘HIDDEN MOUNTAIN’ Documentary) @YouTube LIVE Mondays 6-8pm MT & WEDNESDAYS 10:30-11:30am MT & 7:30pm ‘ASK THE PASTOR INTERNATIONAL’ On KATelevision in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa, Invite Others GLOBALLY + SPREAD THE WORD WORLDWIDE!
SOS! One of our daughters living in a Tibetan Buddhist dominated area, is quite sick. For her healing, protection and for her studies.
Demonic activities, attacks are common.
High level of witchcraft, black magic, occultic practices and sacrifices are common
Few times she was admitted in the hospital recently.
@Olamide @MaryMamuzich (please tag our friends, who are in the direct message chat).
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter , thankyou so much. We'll continue to pray.
#India may go for General Elections soon!
Please pray for the safety of Believers, Leaders and Christian institutions.
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter , Do we have any updates on Sister Deling?
Today is 2080-11-16 somewhere in the world. Not 2024-02-28!!!
Which country is that ? Will you please pray for that country? Recently there was an earthquake (clue no1) #BTJ team went into help the local community for relief and rehabilitation (clue no 2).
A team to highlight the prayer needs of 10/40 Window Nations.