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India's weed smoking hindu holy men and flesh eaters.

Proverbs 28:10
Those who tempt the lovers of God with an evil scheme will fall into their own traps. But the innocent who resist temptation will experience reward.

It's always a huge honor to baptize someone... it is even bigger to baptize 2 people.
But what is really amazing? Attending a wedding of 2 people that you had the privilege to baptize 😍 (yes this is a pidgeon, a trained pidgeon that joined the party). Oh and Of Course, tge day was supposed to be rainy and stormy but the skies went clear for the wedding party.

Me playing a Christian song on low d whistle,glory to God,it might bless someone

A few new family members have joined us in the last few hours on DingDash!
A BIG DINGDASH welcome to @Evonne_5, @Bmmiller, @Gliceriom, @plendo, @Mathews, @zoeelife, @Danny57
Here is a video that can help you get started

@moamfj Amen!
Father, help us to focus on you and remember that you are in control.

It is our disobedience that is causing the delay in taking over the land, you have promised us, we confess
Open our eyes, ears and hearts to see chariots of fire ... and to recognize the present season's Cyrus, Esther, Mordecai, Ezra, Rahab and Jochebed.

An young couple requested prayers for their 1 year old child admitted in the NICU.
Please pray

An young couple requested prayers for their 1 year old child admitted in the NICU.
Please pray

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter amen. SO be it in Jesus name.

Don't forget the Cyrus' to fund the rebuilding of the temple and Mordecais to raise Esthers and the Ezras who have been commanded by the King to teach the people scripture

I will sing about the Lord's faithful love forever; I will proclaim Your faithfulness to all generations with my mouth.—Psalm 89:1

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