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Read Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand. After learning about the type of Juche communism in NK it’s amazing to read this original take on the earliest form of Christian persecution from communists.

“Communism is demonic”, is common to hear, but I often feel when people say “demonic” they aren’t really being literal. It’s more like they’re using the word to get the point across that it’s just evil &wrong in the worst immoral way.

This is what Wurmbrand says:
“What the Communists have done to Christians surpasses any possibility of human understanding. I have seen Communists whose faces while torturing believers shone with rapturous joy. They cried out while torturing the Christians, “We are the devil!”
We wrestle not against flesh & blood but against the principalities and powers of evil. We saw that communism is not from men but from the devil. It’s a spiritual force-a force of evil-& can only be countered by a greater spiritual force, the Spirit of God.” Amor vicit omnia

🎉 BTJ's Chasing Revival wins BEST SHORT DOCUMENTARY at Christian Awareness Film Festival this week! 🎉
This is simply the work of the Holy Spirit, because we did this entire video series CHASING REVIVAL with no budget, no plan, only filmed as we were doing projects, and ALL of our filming, editing, and graphic design was done by one guy on our mission team.
Chasing Revival turned out so much better than it should have and it's impact keeps growing.
The 9 part video series of CHASING REVIVAL is available for free to any church that has an account on RightNowMedia

@mensajero So interesting. I'd never heard of this. It sounds like an opportunity for those called to this community.

@sinbach I just finished listening to Nicky on your podcast. The story of Sheila is heart wrenching. I’m glad that she was able to get out of that horrible situation in the prison before she passed away.
Human trafficking is on an exponential rise. In some places in the world it seems it has normalized into the cultures. The Chinese and North Korea border and how women defecting are often bought and sold as wives to Chinese farmers is one example of this. It happens so frequently.

Thanks for sharing Eugene! Great interview!

About transgenderism in children. Parents and professionals are raising their concerns, since it's irreversible and the child is mutilated for the rest of its life (unable to have children, or to be fully a man or a woman). For instance: professionals are threatening parents with the sentence: "Do you want a dead daughter or a live boy?" (Or vice versa). But studies show that the suicide risk increases with transition - not that transitioning a child to the opposite gender is the only solution to identity problems/gender disorder. One documented side effect of puberty blockers is depression. There is no scientific evidence that 'gender affirmation therapy' is a solution.

Please join us in praying for Ethiopia. The Tigray People’s Liberation Front have recently taken the ancient city of Lalibela.

The churches of Lalibela date back to the 12th century and are carved out in the mountains. The rock churches are a monument to the strength and endurance of the faith. Now, this ancient city and the nation of Ethiopia needs our prayers.

You will ONLY see this information on DingDash.
I am now writing the life stories of both of these women.
Their heroic stories will change your idea of sacrifice FOREVER

The baby is getting better!
Please continue to pray for his early discharge from the hospital.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter reminds me how we need to pray for these nation's. People going nowhere fast needing a Savior.

Please pray for Leaders and believers who are facing financial challenges.
Ministry expansion

A 14 year old girl child missing from an area infamous for child and human trafficking!
Parents are believers from a majority language group. They were under severe persecution from the community
Please pray!
Please pray!

@mensajero Praying for Bhutan.
May the Lord protect new believers.
The Church of Bhutan may rise as one body and destroy the works of the devil.

We break the curse of poverty and witchcraft that is affecting the frontline disciples.
We come against hoarding and nepotism eithin the Body of Christ .
We speak abundance ( John 10:10) and Life upon the Nation.
In Jesus Name!

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter this film was incredibly humbling. I learned so much, I never knew life like this existed. I will pray. Thank you for sharing.

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