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"Don't pray for the success of America! Pray for the repentance of this nation!" -Brother Yun in Orlando Florida today

are doing well! Thank you for your prayers.
Several new locations got new components to equip the Saints.

One barn full of Christmas goodies are waiting for couriers. Slow delivery is intentional.
2 drivers are sulking! Need urgent replacement.
Travel documents cleared for some, who waited for several weeks.

Mountains are moving!
Just 3 weeks left for 2022, current year's breakthroughs are amazing.

The abundance of tools and resources are like Manna (yes we can't store it for future, need to consume the same day).
Emptying out as we receive them.
Thank you friends

A Buddhist background believer (sister Z) is requesting for miraculous healing from her medical condition.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter May doors be open again as they have been before!🙏
What a privilege to be able to pray for our brothers and sisters. May God meet every need according to His Word.

Few team members are in need of prayer.
Different locations, different assignments.
Travel, permits, permission, legal hassles, harassment, documents and documentation

@faith20 my sorry you have to endure so much with this evil covid. I'm praying with you and for you all.

@VeritasDomain when I was in high school in 1972,my teacher said the Islam would take over the world by brainwashing Christian to not have children and within a time they would take over because there would be no believers .

⚠️Danger⚠️ Phone on Plane
10 years ago, we were ALL told to turn off our phones and laptops because it messed with the flight navigation system. As a pilot, I knew that it wasn't true, BUT we all followed the rules anyway.
Now, many years later, we are told that we can indeed have our phones in use during flight. It was NEVER a danger. Common sense told us that it was never a danger, but we all conformed -
Today we are told to have our phones in flight mode during take off and landing - as if that makes a difference.
Again - we all kind of know it isn't true - but we do it anyway
We like to scold the guy still checking his email right before take off because he is putting ALL of our lives in danger. He obviously doesn't care about THE SAFETY OF OTHERS.
Like the phone on the plane, I wonder....
how long will it take before we ALL realize that WEARING A MASK IS EXACTLY THE SAME.

I love there books! Really worth reading, their stories are sooo amazing and inspiring!

Why are you down cast oh my soul ,put your hope in God for I will yet praise him.psalm42

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