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Keep praising Jesus, prison doors will open.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter my deepest thanks. Unfortunately, he and the culture smoked a lot. This weakness exacerbates the attack on the lungs. God's arm is not short.

This song is not new, but I heard it for the first time yesterday. It is powerful.

"Gilbert was 17 when his father was stabbed 26 times and killed for his faith and ministry in Iran. God transformed the tragedy into a profound testimony when Gilbert forgave the persecutors. Gilbert wrote this song and dedicated it to the ones who caused him to mourn.
Album and more info available at"

A daughter is facing tough questioning by Judiciary/ Civil administration. In connection with her career plans.

Such a great meeting at Hope Church yesterday morning ❤️

God is still sustaining baby Diana! Doctors ate doing loads of tests to find out why her belly keeps swelling everytime they give her formula. Please keep praying! That little clinched fist breaks my heart.

Asking prayers for an Atheist at my work.
He was raised in a cult like "christian" denomination and became an atheist in his 30s. His name is Jason.

I deployed with the army as a DOD civilian in 1996 as a part of a peacekeeping mission. I was a real estate negotiator for properties needed belonging to civilians. One of my translators was a young Bosnian, Nermin. We became close friends while we served together, although at one point he reported me for my Christian witness. He spoke Russian, German, English and his native tongue. I recently found him through Facebook in Berlin as an international attorney. He shared how depressed he was. His wife and child were killed in an accident on the road to Sarajevo a few years back and he has not healed. He spoke of wanting to work in the US. I have invited him to come to my home and we are working on a visa. A few weeks ago after a trip to Ukraine he contracted COVID even though vaccinated twice and was hospitalized for 10 days. Sunday past he returned to the hospital again having breathing issues. Please join me in praying for his healing.

As one reads Jeremiah, an obvious truth is revealed, gifts and callings by God are not always recognized. Be encouraged, He who has begun a good work in you will complete it. Having done all to stand, stand!

A young man contemplating accepting Islam joins our podcast. During the podcast, I directly challenge the lies of Islam and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Listen how this young man reconsiders.
He later wrote to me, saying that he can NOT accept Islam based on this podcast

Love this quote from Brother Yun yesterday…
‘We cannot apply the American model, the European model or the Chinese model of the church, we need to apply the heavenly model of the church’ 🙌

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