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I have a lot of friends and church relationships in Ukraine. Just got a message from Pastor Sasha...

Hello Todd !
Hope you are alive and well !
Things are getting spooky here a bit , couple of embassies are evacuating their families out of Ukraine. Also a few airlines are not leaving their planes over night. Flying in and a few hours later left. Russian army now because of conquering Belarus last couple of months is less than 100 miles from Kiev/in Belarus But overall there is no panic - praise God !
Please continue to pray as I know you do !

Alberta pastor Artur Pawlowski to feed Trucker Convoy

Alberta pastor and outspoken anti-mandate activist Artur Pawlowski plans to feed many of the truckers coming through Alberta over the next few days as part of the Convoy to End Mandates.

I'm beyond proud of my son-in-law. Passed he's test for flying the Black Hawk!
He's not in the military; works for private company.

back at the new home now. arrived around 2am, after leaving here a little before 10 am yesterday! bit of a long day, but it is done

vans returned, keys handed back, old house shut down

new house is piles of boxes

time for a cup of tea and then our beds!!!

thanks for the prayers from around the world - they were very much welcomed and answered, because we haven't had a single hitch stop us - God is good!!!! SO very GOOOOD

time for a brew (cup of tea) and then bed!!! with tomorrow being a rest day and then some

Andy B and the BerryBunch

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