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@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter how horrible. Never to we hear of such tragedies. North Korea is one of the countries God has given us to pray for. Along with India, SriLanka, Nigeria,Burma ,and a few more.

Awins initial medical reports are not looking good 😕
Please pray and cancel the schemes of the evil one.

Anyone struggling right now, wondering if God has a plan for your life, if you are a believer, should ask the question. How could He not?

Friends, will you please pray for "Awin" 20+ yrs old. Swelling in the body. Cause unknown! Tests going on.
For miracle for this young man without father.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter The devil came to kill, steal and destroy.. his followers do the same!

Here is our 13th year with our annual review and recommendations of Presuppositional book and resources, check it out here:

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