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A decade ago a fisher of men was hoping to learn fish breeding techniques from a team member. It never happened as the team member was martyred.
After waiting several years, we found an expert who is willing to teach fish breeding techniques to fishers of men !
Please pray for multiplication!

Can you see where this is going? 👁️👁️

Brazilians protesting election results have their bank accounts frozen - ReclaimTheNet

"Some Brazilians protesting President Jair Bolsonaro’s defeat are having their bank accounts frozen. The reports come days after the electoral court ordered the blocking of major social media accounts disputing the results...."

The Red Horse

It appears that the jaws of war are opening wider as I checked the news this morning.

Turkey and Iran, with the OK of Russia are bombarding the Kurds in Iraq and Syria.
There will probably be a ground invasion soon.

For more info:

It doesn't look good for the Kurds. Not good at all.

"No friends but the mountains" is how the Kurds tell their story. But our heavenly Father loves them! One of the largest people groups without a country and in need of the gospel..


Ukraine is the big one. Other hotspots are Serbia and Albania, Korean peninsula, China and Taiwan.

Look for more from the "red horse."
The second seal has been opened.

Revelation 6:3-4

"When the lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, "Go!"

A second horse went out. It was fiery red. Its rider was given the power to take peace away from the earth and to make people slaughter one another. So he was given a large sword."

RED ALERT: New WHO pandemic treaty in final stages, would overrule the US Constitution and unleash medical dictatorship, warns Dr. Francis Boyle - Mike Adams

(Natural News) Today we bring you a truly bombshell interview and critical story about the WHO’s new pandemic treaty which is specifically written to overrule the United States Constitution and all domestic laws in every nation, worldwide. How do we know this? Because treaty expert Dr. Francis Boyle studied the proposed treaty language and lays...

I got this message from his wife.
It's a miracle!
A slight change

From 32k to 36k

All glory to GOD alone

Thanks a lot for praying
But pls continue to pray.. A long way still to go..
Thanks a lot once again

Urgent prayers requested for a friend "Tobby" .
His platelet count is around 35000

It's a natural tendency for the fallen humanity to think that they need to help God, rather than trusting in Him and obeying His Word! seed vault

Hey everyone! GREAT NEWS…

Our son Alistair was discharged and came home last night… after EXACTLY 40 days. What a significant number throughout the Bible- symbolizing a time of testing and tribulation and finally triumph with new growth... what we believe God has been doing!

Please continue praying with us — he will have ongoing weekly surgical dilations to stretch out his esophagus until the surgery team sees that his esophagus stays at the right size.

We are thankful for you and your ongoing love and support. We have continued to trust in what Jesus desires and is doing - far more than we could ask or imagine!

No one has the right to hear the gospel twice, while there remains someone who has not heard it once.
Oswald J. Smith

Unheard millions are still unheard!!!

I’ve been visiting a 90 year old lady that lives near me. When I first met her she was new to the area and very lonely. She’s originally from Spain and raised as Catholic. She has a wonderful strong Spanish accent. She wanted things to read so I brought her the Heavenly Man and a few other Missionary autobiographies. She read them and seemed impressed by them. She did say she didn’t believe in the inerrancy of the Bible so I brought her one on that but she hasn’t read it. Finally yesterday I asked what she thought of the books I’ve given her and she said she didn’t believe they were true. She thinks the authors didn’t tell the truth about their lives. We talked some and I found that she thinks that my relationship with God is a mistake of belief if that makes sense! From what I understand she thinks you can’t have a personal relationship with God.Her name is Carmen I’d appreciate if you would pray for her.

You will love what my kids have to share after experiencing harsh vitriol toward our pro-life display on college campuses.

Facebook has notified me that my statement of believing in Jesus as my Savior and the only way to heaven violates their policy on Religion therefore they will remove it from my Profile December 1

Torben Sondergaards latest letter from jail, addressed to the body of Christ. This is very encouraging! 🙏

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