@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Cherishingsparrows2020 @zephan @tanjaostman @VeritasDomain @Kruselady @bethany @sinbach thankfully we serve a God who can do miracles, who promised to do what we ask in His name. A faithful Father who told us to spread his love and his word; a God who told us to trust Him and to be faithful. We are so strong together in prayer and those in the field are covered in prayer and surrounded with God's army - chariots of fire. The enemy can't stand before Him. May the Lord send Angels with flaming swords to protect His servants so that God's Holy Word will flood the land.


@MaryMamuzich @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter @Cherishingsparrows2020 @zephan @tanjaostman @VeritasDomain @bethany @sinbach so wonderful to serve a risen Savior and that the angel armies are warring in the heavenlues on our behave.

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