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Kruselady boosted

Thank God for the open doors in closed countries! (representative picture from open source).

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Please pray for successful completion of Scripture distribution project. It involves several stages and components. Especially to a closed country.

Kruselady boosted

Heart surgery day...God is good and, despite being fairly peaceful about today, I still didn't sleep much at all.

But I am up and about and leave for hospital soon.

Prayers for a smooth procedure most welcome.

Andy B

Kruselady boosted

Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters 🙏. The video is from open source.

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Kruselady boosted
Kruselady boosted

SOS! One of our daughters living in a Tibetan Buddhist dominated area, is quite sick. For her healing, protection and for her studies.
Demonic activities, attacks are common.
High level of witchcraft, black magic, occultic practices and sacrifices are common
Few times she was admitted in the hospital recently.
@Olamide @MaryMamuzich (please tag our friends, who are in the direct message chat).

Kruselady boosted
Kruselady boosted

That's quite similar to what one of our team members told us; when we asked about his Motorcycle tires.
In the second picture you can see the big cuts (actual picture) and holes. Some soul winners travel upto 300 kilometers / 186 miles every day. Some travel that on a weekly basis.

On one side people who are persecuting us on the other side a big crowd waiting for us, just as described in Mattew 9 : 35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Thank you for the funds.

Kruselady boosted

It was the supposed to be date night, but the sitter (22) told us that she couldn’t make it because she was going to the hospital because she thought she might be having a heart attack! Please keep her in your prayers. I took the family out to dinner and then the car broke down afterwards…It was actually a beautiful afternoon for car trouble. Glad I was there and that we have hospitals, tow trucks, and Ubers.🙂

Kruselady boosted

We are not Trophy hunters! We go on mission trips! We are back from each trip, rejoicing , knowing satan is falling like lightning from heaven!

Jesus is alive so we are victorious in Him! Please pray that the seeds we sow may bring in bountiful harvest.

Kruselady boosted

I ask prayer for the Nation of Haiti.. especially for pastor Remy & his family.. as they are approaching anarchy! … gangs have taken over the nation & violence is rampant..turning to belief in Jesus is the answer!

Kruselady boosted

Don't know if anyone has posted this
Pastoral -BTJ - Deling Update (a part of the mail)

"DELING UPDATE The wife of Bro. Yun of The Heavenly Man, Sister Deling, is still hospitalized. Her body is still weak ("weal"?) and in need of strengthening before any more procedures. They have here under constant care and observation. Do continue to pray for the restoration of her health."

Kruselady boosted

D.J.B handling training! (Donkey Jaw Bone handling training??🤣😆😂😅).
In Dozen plus locations!!!
Some, close to the deep jungles, where wild animals roam freely!
Daylight saving time is mandatory as electricity is not available in many of these training locations.
We build Toilets first as the soil is naturally fertilized and open defecation is the first enemy to be defeated 😉😀
Diesel generators are more eco-friendly than the Solar electricity system, when it comes to power tools.
Wait for more updates .

Kruselady boosted

A couple of years ago, i sat with my Wife and got something major off my chest. The conversation went something like this:
Me: Babe...if I got killed in the Field..if i got martryed...would it be a shame to you ..or an Honour?
Babe...what if I head out..and I don't come back would you take you ever think about this?

My Wife: (looking into my eyes and holding my hand)...
I have actually thought about it many times...the Children and I spend much time praying for you whenever you are in the field...Daddy will reach the People and come home safely!
And just know.... I wouldn't be ashamed if you died a Martyr...I would see it as a great great Honour!
What you do is very very important.. People must be reached!
......and by the way you ain't dying any time soon!!!!!

Me: (I didn't know what to say in response....just grateful that I Married Ndidi Olamide Adekunle) ❤️

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Kruselady boosted
Kruselady boosted

Please pray for a 25 year old partially bedridden person. Her father was a Pastor.
Mother working to support her, so daytime she is alone. Please pray for her to be completely healed.

Kruselady boosted

Jeremiah 23:14-15, 17 (WEB) 📖

In the prophets of Jerusalem I have also seen a horrible thing: they commit adultery and walk in lies. They strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one returns from his wickedness....

They say continually to those who despise me, ‘Yahweh has said, “You will have peace;”’ and to everyone who walks in the stubbornness of his own heart they say, ‘No evil will come on you.’

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