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Please pray for our brother Voddie Baucham, a faithful minister of the Gospel. He recently discovered he has heart failure and is returning to the USA for tests and treatment. This is a bold and courageous warrior for the Lord. Join me in praying for his health and recovery!

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My youngest daughter was officially diagnosed with autism yesterday at 22 months old. I had my suspicions, but I'm still trying to process the ramifications.

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Would you pray for my son? He has Asperger's and is easily influenced. He's off to college and wrestling with what he really believes spiritually. Even though he's at a "christian" college, there's no biblical feeding happening and instead, he was introduced to D&D groups (which, in my opinion, is witchcraft). He looks lost in his eyes and sad. He must walk this road and decide to choose Jesus while out on his own. It must be HIS relationship. His passion and choice. I know the promise God gave me for him: that his life was to be dedicated to God and he is a kingdom warrior! It will happen but I'm praying he doesn't take the long, hard road. Please pray that he chooses to remove himself from these D&D games and instead find other students who are a godly influence. Pray that he would encounter Jesus in a very real, personal way. Thank you. ❤️

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Urgent prayer request for my friend Austin! Last I heard he was in critical condition and has for sure one (possibly both) of his lower legs amputated. Thank you!

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My husband left this earth on Saturday morning, died in his sleep 💔With a broken heart that only my Savior will be able to mend—- my best friend & husband (31yrs married). He was healthy. But he had an abnormal rare heart rhythm issue for many years. I thought we would grow old together. He was an example of God’s love to all who knew him. Because of him I could believe that God would love me forever. Right now my mind can’t comprehend my future without him. I appreciate your prayers.

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I have received unconfirmed reports in the last 24 hours of North Koreans dying in the streets from starvation.
I contacted our team members that work in North Korea and they were not able to confirm the reports, but their ability to travel around is heavily restricted because of COVID.
Our hearts are saddened as our prayers go up.

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🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

Today is our final day. The Chinese government is taking every measure they can to stop the message of Christmas, but we stand together with the underground house church and pray that the message of Jesus Christ will not be silenced.

Today, on Christmas Eve, we light a candle and pray for the persecuted church in China.

Day 12:

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🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE ELEVENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a burden for the people of North Korea.

The entire nation is a prison and its people desperately need your prayers. But... "deep inside the Hermit Kingdom lies the secret embers of a revival fire that once burned in the hearts of the people and it will burn again." 🔥

Day 11:

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🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE TENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a praying heart for the people of Burma.

Join us as we pray for the young Christian girls at risk and the Christian villages that are forced underground by Buddhists who would have them killed.

Day 10🇲🇲:

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🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

Today we pray for Pakistan. Pakistan holds a special place in the heart of BTJ. It is the nation where the first BTJ missionaries were martyred.

Join together with us as we pray for Pakistan and for the missionaries who continue to faithfully serve there.

Day 9:

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🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE EIGHTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a heart for the people of Sudan.

Join us today, as we pray for the nation of Sudan 🇸🇩

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I was so touched a iTown church last night in Noblesville. They took an offering at the Christmas service and said this, "if there is anyone in need feel free to take money from the bucket. If there is not enough money in the bucket for your need, please talk to one of the pastors of this church - they have money that they are ready to give to those in need this Christmas."
I have been in ministry for years and have never seen this before.

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My friend and neighbor just died rather unexpectedly. She is survived by her husband, kids and grandkids. She was so very full of life it seemed, a real go getter. She is a sister in Christ and was finishing building a house to retire in. So many unfinished plans. Our lives are but a vapor, don't assume there's a tomorrow.

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🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, a lamentation for the people of Somalia.

"In Somalia, children are starving, people are suffering, and the nation is constantly fighting against famine."

Join us in praying below:

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🙏🏼 12 Days of Christmas Prayers 🙏🏼

ON THE SIXTH DAY OF CHRISTMAS my Savior gave to me, an eternal flame of passion for the forgotten people of Yemen.

"there are an estimated 1.4 million children in Yemen and all of them are at risk of dying from either war or starvation."

Find Day 6 below:

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