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Schools are rapidly closing in Nigeria - not because of Covid, or even school shootings, but because of mass abductions by terror groups.
Hundreds of children have been taken in a string of kidnappings in recent months.

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This week in Egypt, terrorists posted a video showing the execution of three people. One of them was 62-year-old Coptic Christian, Nabil El-Habashy.
His crime? Helping to rebuild a church.

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One of our BTJ partners working in a closed country was ministering yesterday in a rural village. The police were called and the local authorities are now looking for him.
Please keep him and his family in your prayers today 🙏🏼

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In Nigeria, Christian persecution rose by 60% last year and nearly half of Christians killed for their faith worldwide were killed in Nigeria.
Our brothers and sisters need our prayers.

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🙏Urgent Prayers Needed 🙏
guys, as soon as I arrived back in Dubai, I had several messages from our team in North Korea.
They are begging for food and supplies. Things are REALLY bad right now inside North Korea.
I will be posting more details soon, but for now.... pls pray.

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It may feel as though life has slowed down during all the lockdowns and restrictions the past year, but BTJ missionaries are still faithfully taking the Gospel into the most unreached nations in the world.
Our prayers are a vital part of their work. Would you take time to pray for them today?

Here's 12 ways to pray for missionaries working in the 10/40 window:

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An update on my daughter Lisa.
I will be flying to Salt Lake City tomorrow. Baby will be delivered Monday the 5th instead of the 8th. Mother and baby are doing well. Please pray surgery goes smoothly and baby has healthy lungs and Lisa isn't as bad inside as doctors are expecting.
Thank you.

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Pray for those in Myanmar. 91 people have recently been killed by the military police that took over government power. Lord, Give strength to the powerless in need and peace to those in danger from those in power. Amen.

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PLEASE pray for me for healing, give me some good advice or pray that I find a holistic practitioner that’s not into the occult. I am over all healthy and have never been on regular medication. BUT the last few years I have had hormonal migraine from hell. The last few months it’s been more frequent than ever. The pain is so intense that I cry and count the seconds. Sometimes I throw up 2-20 times/day. When I don’t have migraine, I am doing well. The doctors prescribe only painkillers (not help with the root cause), that mostly don’t help. I have found a nose spray that costs 15 euros/dose. It helps, and makes me drugged. I don’t want to poison my body. I have struggled in life, but now I just want to do so much – not laying in bed for a day or two. I believe in supernatural healing, and have seen it. But so far I’ve never received quick solutions from the Lord – he is teaching me about the roots, not just cutting of branches. But this lesson is already learned. I'm so tired of it.

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🚨Urgent Prayer Needed🚨
Isolated BTJ workers in North Korea ask for prayer as money dries up and food grows scarce.

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DAY 29 - Sister Jing

"The government may have killed my father and my grandfather. They may have tortured their families, but they could not kill the vision!"

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🔥Urgent Prayer Requested🔥
Nigerian Pastor to be executed in two days by Muslim Extremists.

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Happy Sunday! 🙏🏼

DAY 17 - Mai Fu Ren, known as the Bible man: a man who served thirty years in prison for his commitment to get the Word of God into the hands of as many Chinese believers as possible.

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DAY 16 - Missionary Silas

Silas shares about life as a missionary in Tibet-
"Simple things like water and electricity are an answer to prayer for us, but God has never failed us. He continues to show us that He is walking together with us."

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Please pray for my son Brandon for healing!!!!

He needed to get a nose blockage opening surgery and tonsils out as he had a problem that was making him quite sick and there were no other options. 😭 The pain is unreal- having both done at the same time.

He has been experiencing a VERY DIFFICULT time. I feel so badly for him. He is trying to be as cheerful as he can while bleeding from his nose and phlegm from the mouth and the pain of both surgeries. He also has fever.

Someone asked if there is anything that they can do to help and yes...there will be extra costs involved for him, and as you know because of a severe lockdown here in China, he has been unable to work. So, if you feel led to help it would take a weight if worry off his mind ❤️ As a family man with two little babies and wife.

please donate to:

Blessings from us all!
The Weaver Family

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HELP!!! Prayer Warriors!
My daughter is pregnant with her 3rd child. She is due in May... BUT she has Placenta Accreta; a serious condition where the placenta grows deeply into the wall of the uterus. In about a month, Lisa, my daughter, will travel 10 hours with her little family to Salt Lake City. She needs to spend a month under the watchful eye of the doctors. The precious baby will be delivered early April at 32 weeks (40 weeks is full term)
I know our Jesus can move mountains! I ask myself how I can know in my heart the power of God ...but lay awake thinking... Tossing in prayer.......

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