The world leader recognized at the top persecutor of Christians is surprising!
We share the findings of the most recent reports in our latest article
The founder of Satanist church of South Africa encounters Jesus Christ! He mentions that he used to be in Christian ministry before becoming Satanist. Isn't it quite common that Westerners who are atheists or Satanists have grown up in church and are disappointed with Christianity/Christians?
Pray for a elderly woman who is a new neighbor of mine she is originally from Spain and has a thick accent. She is very lonely so I told her that when Iโm lonely I take it to God and he helps me with it. I told her she could do that and he would help her! Her eyes filled with water and she said could I? I said yes.
โPlease keep my elderly Mother who is 80 in your prayers. She is in the hospital for internal bleeding. She is also having pain and a lot of confusion. โ โ THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS
On the way to hospital to be with her, she is very confused and very upset with the nurses and doctors. She doesnโt understand what is happening, and they had to restrain her. .
Please pray for all confusion to be gone and Godโs peace to reign over her mind and heart. Jesus is the prince of peace, may she FEEL His presence with her!
I need to share this - celebration time:
I've just published a unique thing.
Audiobook based on the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his confrontation with the spirit of the antichrist of his time - Adolf Hitler.
From Dietrichs' experience written by himself and number of authors comes out a set of 12 lessons for the Church today.
The whole thing is called:
"AND WHEN THE ANTI-CHRIST ARISES ... 12 lessons of resistance in times of insidious persecution. Based on the life and testimony of Pastor Bonhoeffer."
Presented by a dear friend of mine - Fabian Blaszkiewicz
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It's alright to take your time and get up to speed on here. You don't have to hit the ground running. You might have picked up the habit of interacting with social media as it it were naturally a competitive performance--we all did--but the best thing about Mastodon and the fediverse beyond it is that it's not like that. Take some time to decompress.
It took me about six months to fully drop the armor that I'd been wearing from being on other sites. That was three years ago. This place changes lives.
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Above all, take a deep breath. What feels weird now will make sense pretty quickly.
Glad to have you.
Here's our latest podcast on the good distribution project in Afghanistan.
Does anyone here have advice on how to prevent a cat from stinking up a home while the owners are away?? We have a male cat. He has been neutered. Neutering was supposed to fix this problem. Admittedly, the issue has gotten better, but it seems that when our cat thinks we've been gone for too long he becomes anxious and acts out by marking around the house, especially around doors. Would getting another cat to keep him company help??? Or would it just mean more problems??? We have no experience in these things, so advice is welcome.
Read a little in the Book of Revelation and it strikes me the contrast Between:
Babylon VS The New Jerusalem
Babylon = the whore
New Jerusalem = The Bride
Babylon = pride
New Jerusalem = humility
Babylon= will go her own way separate from God's will.
New Jerusalem = will follow the Lamb.
Babylon = driven by power and desire.
New Jerusalem = driven by faith and good deeds
Babylon = dressed in scarlet red
new Jerusalem = dressed in fine linen
Babylon = mark of the beast
New Jerusalem = Seal of God
Babylon = waging war against the lamb and his people๐ฆพ
New Jerusalem = Victory by virtue of the blood of the Lamb
Babylon= exalts itself
New Jerusalem = exalt God and the Lamb
Babylon = sitting on a lot of water (crowds) and riding the animal.
New Jerusalem = descends from Heaven from God
Babylon = full of ugliness and impurity
New Jerusalem = holy and pure because of Jesus
when Satan the old serpent๐ชฑ is bound for the 1000 years and then the new martyrs will reign on earth with Jesus, it may well be that the church and may be part of it, possibly we have our dwelling in Heaven and occupy our dwellings there , but can certainly visit the earth from time to time.
So after the 1000 year kingdom comes the final judgment and the other dead stand up and get their judgment, then death and the realm of the dead are thrown into the lake of fire and after that death is gone forever and Heaven and Earth become new and united in Jesus and it becomes one happy family !!!
Then it is in the 7th seal silent in Heaven for half an hour, and the high priest puts incense on the altar mixed with the prayers of the saints and this has been cast down to earth and the wrath of God sets in motion on earth, I believe and that the dragon, - Satan is cast out of Heaven at about the same time, the church exchanges places with him !!
So during the 6th sail, then things happen, then comes a big earthquake and there are signs in the sun and moon and in the sky, I think this is the voice of God calling on those who are died in Christ that they should rise and therefore shake the earth and then we who live are moved up with them and join the great crowd that stands before the Throne with palm branches
. "For I would not, brethren, that ye be ignorant of this mystery * - lest ye should consider yourselves wise: for hardening is come upon Israel, in part, until the fullness of the Gentiles is come in."
(Romans 11:25)
I'm studying a little about the events surrounding the 6th seal in Revelation.
and have some thoughts about it and want to share some of it here.
The first four seals I think have with the four horses, which are mentioned in Zechariah who are spirits that travel over the earth, they get the power to do various things through the time from the first century until the time of the end .
๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค Then comes the 5th seal with the martyrs under the altar crying for revenge, and they are told to wait until the number of martyrs is reached, which we can read about at the very end of Revelation just before the 1000 year kingdom, da the number of martyrs is fulfilled and they stand up to reign with Jesus for 1000 years, I think most martyrs are Jews, and those who do not take the mark of the beast and worship the beast etc, they become martyrs ...
Loves Jesus, and long for His coming!!!
-from Norway