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@sinbach So... Are you flying to China??
I would not want this testing job! Could you image the nightmares?
This world just keeps getting crazier!! That's nuts to put ppl through such abuse.

I was out of cell overage for a couple days... I missed everyone and I'm so far behind in reading all the happening! I love my DD family!
But! Did you know in Valuer, MT there is a rancher that raises breading bulls that sell between ten and eighty THOUSAND dollars?? Ppl from all over the world buy these bulls! .... The things I learn... Knowledge I will never use😁 but, wow!

@daniel 🤣🤣 I live in MT and can say if I get attacked I'll die before it gets close!

@sinbach the expenses for you are piling high! I just read about Brother Yun not bad talking the gov in China or those that mistreated him... I'm having a hard time... I'm so fed up with our government leaders! They have no common sense!! So what happens to those that test positive at the border???
I'm so sorry, I truly am. 🙏

@sinbach I'm sorry 😐 it is a mess! When I had a test my eyes started watering and I had a sneezing fit! Could've been a new covid outbreak right there.

@sinbach All things work together for good for those that love God who are called according to His purpose. Blessed be the name of our sweet Jesus!

@sinbach you know...this could be fun! Finish the sentence. Eugene Bach travels so much he______.
Eugene Bach travels so much his closet is a suitcase!!
Eugene Bach travels so much his birth certificate is a boarding pass!! 🤣🤣
Should I go on??

@sinbach ... Eugene Bach travels so much he wakes up at night thinking... Where am I and how do I get to the bathroom!!
I've never watched anything about gold diggers 🤣 you must be bored!

@bethany Amen. We stand on the promise that Jesus will give us words to speak and it's impossible to go anywhere that Jesus is not already there.
Prayer can def be felt. I have often been cuddled and covered in prayer.
Hugs to you my sweet sister🦋

@bethany Wow!
I often ask myself if I could be strong enough? Could I hold out and stand strong? Do I know the scripture well enough? Have I memorized enough? This I know..... Jesus will never leave me nor forsake me.

Recently estimates show that nearly one million Christian martyrs in the last DECADE alone 🙏

@bethany Wow! Amazing Heavenly strength in the hands of satan.

@MaineStreams I have to answer, "No, shame!"
I live a blessed life with gifts raining down upon me from my Father in Heaven. Grateful? Yes. Gratefulness that leads to humble repentance from a child who knows I'm nothing without Him. How can I be a better witness of a King so great - so loving?

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