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@MDitren I never realized that it was illegal to believe in Christ in Laos. Is it a Buddahism area?

@Tigrerising I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm praying the weather will change soon for you.

@sinbach 🤣🤣🤣 soooo funny! Flies will probably be attracted to the ( vegan) lambs blood!

@Asianking I think we can all be drawn to the easy comfortable way. The Narrow gate and hard way leads to everlasting. I confess I be very content working within the church. I pray for boldness to reach the lost.

@pilgrimkm I'm sure you will be able to use your phone, I just couldn't..
Maybe someone will be have an answer for you... I'm proving not to be much help!!

@Rinati @sinbach oh! I'm sorry you missed it! God moved mountains for me and satan worked hard to block me( I missed the first 20 minutes) But as always God fought for me!! I hope you can somehow hear it!! I want him to write a book!

@Cherishingsparrows2020 beyond incredible!! Another person free in Christ!! Thank you for sharing!!

@pilgrimkm I had to go to the "help" it's on the bottom of the profile page. Very small lettering and help is underlined. Listening to that help me a lot.

@pilgrimkm I had a terrible time getting mine on too. I was trying to do it on my phone and I wasn't getting a good signal so I did it on my PC.

@MDitren with the Bible strapped on your mouth is a smart way to keep the good words coming out!! 🤣

@danielgray your smile tells it all!! Your joy is shining through! You have a thoughtful wife!!

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