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@sinbach So.... When did twinkies become Keto?🤣
We live for our cheat days!! I'm still thinking of the picture of the incredible pork rinds! I don't think I can find them in HI. I so want them though!

@sinbach I'll pray with you! God's precious blessing - family.

@icecream we all deal with it. We get thinking we're pretty darn good. It replaces "love your neighbor as yourself" satan is so stinking sneaky! I will be praying for you 💖🙏

@bsflower13 I praise God for who He is. I count my blessings. I repent. I pray...pretty much in that order... Works for me maybe it will work for you.
I'm lifting you in prayer asking Jesus to flood your heart with His peace.

Criticism of others kills spirituality everytime.
Oswald Chambers

@ShanHB to say, " I'm sorry for your loss" seems so empty to say when my words can't say how how my heart feels. I pray you have family that can help you through the pain of the days ahead. Thank you for allowing us all to be apart of this sad day. We will hold you up to our loving Father and keep you in our hearts. Hugs to you.

@sinbach she is beautiful ❤️ I love the way God brought a piece of your dad's heart to you.

@DocLisa yes! Excellent!! I've been praying so so much these points you just mentioned! We have many many ppl in this country that call on His name. I pray the voice of the leaders are not excepted as the voice of the ppl. Bless you, sister! 💖

Kabocha pumpkin curry! With tofu mind you!! Vegan lunch that would even please @sinobach! .....beef tomorrow though!! It was delicious but, "where's the beef?"

@lynnexxa I'm soooo not a tech person! I've been here for quite awhile and I love it!

@zxcvbnm how can a country keep the protection God gracious gives us when we are killing our babies in the midst of cheers from our leaders and lawmakers. We need to repent and return to God as a nation! Claiming Jesus as the Son of God.

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