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@Berrybunchfamily three cheers for your boys!! I have 5 brothers that can't do pretty much anything because of my dad. He made sure they could overhaul a car engine before they were out of high school.
I'm glad things are getting caught up... The littlest things we don't think much about can real turn our daily schedules upside down!

@Berrybunchfamily computers!!!! Such a love/ hate relationship!!
I'm sorry 😔

@HimalayanShepherd this sadden me to tears. I can't imagine the stomach issues that will most likely come to those drinking this waste. Parasites that can grow in the digestive system... I ask our Father to release them from fear and protect them from all sickness. Lord, please bring salvation through the boldness of your children in India. Jesus please show your loving kindness through miracles showered upon them by your Holy Word!
In Jesus' precious most powerful name - Amen.

@Berrybunchfamily oh, darn computers!!
I pray you get it up and going quickly.

@Berrybunchfamily always something to keep our faith exercised!!! I'm so sorry that happened! Our dryer is giving me hints it's about to leave me...

@messenjahofchrist 🤦 what next??? Just when I think it can't get worse - it does!

I was talking with a dear sister from Sudan the other day and she showed me the scars on her throat and arm. When I asked what they were she told me.
"The scar on my throat was from a hot metal poker that the doctor used to burn my throat to make my cough go away when I got the flu. It took three months for the burn to heal. The scars on my arm are from the burns of a hot iron to keep me from getting malaria. All of us were forced to do this in Sudan. It didn't work, but it didn't matter. It made the people feel like they were doing something to fight the disease and it was expected that everyone pretend it was working."
"Wow that's crazy," I said. "Everybody doing something that they know doesn't work, but makes them feel better about doing it anyway."
"Like wearing a mask?" she replied.
WOW! Puts it all into perspective. She deflated my western pride. In some ways we haven't advanced so much.
My Sudanese friend is a medical doctor and now lives in America.

@tymektt an undescribable blessing to have a sleeping angel on your morning walk!

@sinbach if we all did what we know works(faith)and convince ppl that it really does work we could move mountains and walk on water. This testimony has my mind spinning in so many different directions... Like would I allow someone to burn me or burn myself knowing it is for nothing and a whole lot of pain.
How lost we are without Jesus.

@tymektt I love these morning walks of yours! I have some of my best talks this Jesus during these quiet walks. Did you have your lil Junia with you on this beautiful walk?

@HimalayanShepherd the wisdom of the world are foolishness to God! The Lord easily does the impossible! I'm always praying for the volunteers of God!

@Berrybunchfamily I don't think so... God amazes me in all his creation. He is everywhere.

@Berrybunchfamily as she grows I hope her little chest doesn't change, I love her lil angel wings!

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