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@StevenBerry Happy Birthday!! God bless your day and guide you in all wisdom as you grow in faith and in the love of the Lord!

My sweet mom! She'll be 92 in 4 months. She has loved the Lord her whole life. She is a prayer warrior!!

@Rinati you've been on my heart and in my prayers. I'm wondering where you've been and what the Lord is doing in your life! Another words ... Where you been and how are you?!? ❤️

URGENT PRAYER - please pray for me and my sister -we both have severe covid pneumonia and have very low oxygen levels - we need a miracle from God to be healed. I am in the hospital and they keep trying to give me remdesevir and want to put me on a ventilator. I'm so very scared - please pray for me. my sister is being treated at home - she found a Dr that will prescribe ivermectin - we are waiting for it to arrive. we both truly need a miracle.

Dear friends, my daughter Eliza has cancer and I I believe she has taken the third jab. She got inflammation in the liver and the pancreas. Apparently, things are pretty serious with Eliza. She has some metastasis that is blocking the connection between the pancreas and the liver. They stuck a camera down her throat. I´m serious worried about the outcome. She is 36 year old, married and have two wonderful little girls 5 and 6 years old.

My puppy needed out at 0300 ,it was a beautiful stary -15F !!
Sally did her business real quick! Now at 0700 it's cloudy and -7 ...Sally refuses to go out🤣 this little pup is ready for summer!

I collect Nativity Sets - this is one of my favorite!
Merry Christmas to my beautiful DD family.

My sister knows me well. She sent me a tee shirt that says, "Don't Tell me what to do, you're not my dog!!"

🤣🤣🤣🤣oh my goodness!! Yorkshire....crackers?!?! I have no idea what I did or didn't do!!! 🤣🤣🤣 Sooooo bad!!!

I don't have a eye for photos like you do but at least I got the object in the picture 😂

@Berrybunchfamily we received an early Christmas gift of tea and cookies. I'm not a big fan of Earl Grey but this brand is very good, very mild. Have you seen this kind before? It came from Seattle Washington.

Well we are in Washington state. Daughter just came back from health clinic. She has covid. Got ill on plane 1 hr out from Seattle. Pray for my daughter. She’s upset that I’ve been exposed and whole family. I just want her healed. All will be well but appreciate the prayers.🙏🏻 Please pray. ❤️

So my heart switched to a normal rhythm this morning...didn't know that until 2 hours later when the consultant met with me and told me it had

Heart rate was down

Blood pressure was up

Waiting on an ultrasound of my heart to check that out

So I'm probably gonna be on blood thinners, until I can be processed through an arythmia clinic to make sure I don't have a stroke in the meantime. Beta blockers to prevent my heart from going off on one again by keeping its pace lower. And blood pressure meds to bring that down

It spiked yesterday but didn't want to come down

With the heart rate reducing, it seems to be coming down on its own though...

They're hoping I should be discharged later today

It hinges on a slot happening for the ultrasound of my heart, which they've been waiting for for a while

They still hope I'll be discharged this afternoon/evening

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