Hello, My DD family!!
I'm still on the planet! just busy and out of contact...with almost everyone.
along with caring for my husband i was hacked and had my ID stolen. i lost a bunch of money but 4 months later i had a miracle and received half my money back. God is good.
My husband is doing quite well. he is on several vitamin and an antidepressant meds which has helped a lot.
i keep you all in my prayers.

Dementia is ......something I watched my dad disappear with and my mom fight to......what to say....to hold him from disappearing. He knew all of us but couldn't talk and we lost his loving personality - our leader and foundation - I guess one could say God was there but, oh, how our ground shook. God is ever faithful!
It was the most difficult time in live for me, a " Daddy's girl". I now walk the path my mom walked and fight the fight Mom fought. I need my DD family. I pray for those that have similar paths to walk - it's hard. But. It's a path that is illuminated by the presence of Jesus.

I'm really missing my DD family! I've been busy loving & caring for my bestie, he is my everything. I haven't been on here but my prayers for all of you have not ceased.

Please pray for our granddaughter. She is 3 weeks old and has RSV and Bronchitis 🥺.

Merry Christmas DD family!!
God Bless all of you!

Please pray for the income generation / tent making project of a close friend and the ministry he is leading.

Many delays in the past 6 months. Government is keeping a close watch on their soul winning and discipleship programs. Some of their associates are behind bars.

Waiting for the crow to arrive!!!
The funds for an urgent project is stuck in transit.
Please pray for instant release of funds.
@MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Kruselady @tanjaostman @richardafaherty @VeritasDomain

Violence continues.
Relief is not easy.
Hunger and heat haunting the children, pregnant, senior citizens living in camps. Discrimination in providing food and relief materials to the affected people.
Secret backdoor channels are open, relocation of children and sick and elderly is the priority.
It's a long term process. Need prayers. Thank you for the funds.

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