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Father God Is ❀️ ..that is why we are... πŸ•Ί

@richardafaherty yes that was the plan ... actually used it for a reel on Facebook. Just something different. πŸ˜‚

@bethany amazing...
Mainstream media of course is busy calling her and her party names...

S02E009, Money Matters, Part 2, Marriage Matters

Andy B and Jo return to Money Matters in Marriage Matters this week – matters about Money that matters because Money matters in Marriage, just like matters about marriage matters!

Jo starts with reviewing Part 1 and highlights how finances have been a top reason for arguments in marriages and reminding us that there are around 2000 scripture verses relating to money – so must be important!

There were some muddled matters in this week’s Marriage Matters, but in the end Andy B delivered on some scriptures to help us:

- Hebrews 13:5-6
- Proverbs 23:4
- Luke 12:24

The Meaty Section

Andy and Jo chew through some difficult topics and try and make sense of it all.

and is just what we do! [READ MORE]

Andy and Jo

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