The IRS says that by the summer of 2022, the only way to log in to the IRS will be through, an online identity verification service that requires applicants to submit copies of bills and identity documents, as well as a live video feed of their faces via a mobile device. There's a link to the id company and they say the same thing!
Can you say Big Brother??? Can you say Rev 13???

Crazy stuff going on in the US Military!
China, Russia, Iran are all laughing as they see the US become weak and effeminate! Pray for the ones in the US Military that continue to stand strong and faithful to who God called them to be!
Who would have ever thought we would see this???

Today was the graduation ceremony at Norwich University.
BIG congrats to the class of 2021!
Now the baton has been handed to the class of 2022.
My son is now a senior‼️

This was posted today. This a harbinger of disaster ahead. This was the kind of wanton, immoral behavior that took Rome down. We never learn. God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for this .... and we think he won't do the same today!!! Like Lot, get your family prepared.

@sinbach I read the article on China's vaccine... I don't want to travel to China that bad! No way! But for those that God says go.... He will make a way!

@sinbach I listened to your podcast with Blake Templeton but I didn't see the link to his 30 Day Devotional "Armor of God". Can you direct me to that source? Thank you so much!

'Please join me in praying for Dr. James Coates. Pastor of GraceLife Church in Edmonton Alberta Canada. I just received this update from his bride, Erin!

Please pray and share as this type of tyranny and evil MUST be exposed!!' - @ChrisHuff -

Wow. what a day. Lost another childhood hero.
Rush Limbaugh. Wow.
I know, I know...some of you might hate on me because of this one, but I lived on AM radio during long road trips and if Rush was on, I was there! He wasn't a Christian singer, not a preacher, not a Bible thumper - but still a major contributor to lives around the world and influenced the way I communicate today.
Rest well Rush. Your fight is over.

@sinbach as of now, I’m at a loss for words, one of the few bold and fearless voices for conservatism, Christians and all things American has left us. The godless will rejoice, wait for it, but let us pray for his wife , family and all who loved this rare and precious human being. Thank you, Rush, for being a loud voice for all who love God and this country. You WILL be missed and never replaced. 💔

I so much agree. I first listened when the show was new and I still had small kids at home. Finally someone was pushing back on a national platform! Year after year he was there to steady our nerves as we saw the culture going downhill. Can't believe that big voice is gone; he will be greatly missed. Let's pray for his brother David Limbaugh, who is a devout Christian, and all the family.

@Piquant Pelosi and husband has made millions through political connections. I don't trust her for one second!

@Piquant Evil is at work but we need to remember how God rescued Bro Yun in China to encourage our faith to be strong. It's essential!

Antifa shout out a book store selling Andy Ngo books and forced it to close.

Antifa forced Powell's to close their store today and employees have evacuated the customers inside out the back door. They're protesting them selling Andy Ngo's book on their website. They announced earlier they wouldn't put it on the shelves.

WHAT PSYCHOS! I pray that they'd all come to their senses and turn to GOD, before it's too late.

@sinbach I saw an interview with the owner of Parler last night. He says all the alterative servers bailed out on him at the last minute, one by one. He says Parler will be back up but the timing is unknown right now. Pretty sad.

@DreamCenter Love this message of encouragement! It's so sorrowful and stressful right now as we see what's happening. Your message is perfectly timed! Thank you for sharing!

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