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I had a very vocal believer on my podcast last night that STRONGLY believes that the HOLY SPIRIT told her that PUTIN is doing a good thing by invading Ukraine and is stopping human trafficking, stopping the ONE WORLD MOVEMENT, resisting the 'Cabal,' and demolishing the Deep State.
It is a respectful conversation with very strong disagreements. We both present the facts and present our opposing views.
We will be posting it tomorrow.


I belong to Jesus;
I am not my own;
All I have and all I am,
Shall be His alone.

I belong to Jesus;
He is Lord and King,
Reigning in my inmost heart,
Over everything.

I belong to Jesus;
Blessèd, blessèd thought!
With His own most precious blood
Has my soul been bought.

I belong to Jesus;
He has died for me;
I am His and He is mine,
Through eternity.

I belong to Jesus;
He will keep my soul,
When the deathly waters dark
Round about me roll.

I belong to Jesus;
And ere long I’ll stand
With my precious Savior there
In the glory land.

(Maud Fra­ser, 1891)

Did you see this lovely comment by a reader regarding you woodland path photograph:
8TH MAR 2022 AT 12:16 AM EDIT
Love the fact that God is always with us leading us continually! In Christ! 🙏🏻✝️. Like the picture to the woodland path so inviting! Makes me wanna go there."

Keep up the good work brother! Yours in Christ, Alan.

– God on the move in Ukraine

This one comes from a fellow DingDashers - thanks @Cherishingsparrows2020

Every Tuesday well post a Testimony with the hashtag .

It’s a great idea I was inspired to imitate, from another blogger. Testimonies are so powerful because they are truths from our life. I love reading them, and look forward to reading many more.

Testimonies are so wonderfully powerful!

Read the rest of this post -->

Andy B

(Bit of a plug for DingDash and BTJ too...)

Thanks to Why?Outreach for making this meme. This is our answer to the skeptics' attack on the :

Today is the DAY the book is FINALLY released❗❗
For International Women's Day today - let's SHARE THIS BOOK and SPREAD the inspiring TRUE story of amazing woman of God who was sentenced to death by hanging for refusing to deny her faith in Jesus Christ, faced down the nation of Sudan, and saw miracles happen.

Endurance, Season 4, Episode 2, God Opposes the Proud.

In order to kickstart this week’s theme Andy B gives some real-life examples of inexperienced people thinking they know better than those with experience, reminding us of the downsides of being proud.

He provides reasons for why humility is such a good thing to reach for, and why pride and arrogance are not such good things to reach for.

He talks about truck drivers, fact-checkers, diesel engines, and more…

Nathan and Steven discuss the theme for this week – “God Opposes the Proud.” They point out that it’s a bad idea to be proud, and they discuss a couple of likely scenarios in which we can easily become proud. They also remind us that when we strive for humility we will be honoured.

For the rest of this post and a full transcript -->

The BerryBunch

""One obvious solution would be for [Putin] to give up, but when a dictator loses face and gives up, he is in a weak position. Another alternative is for him to expand the war, making it a bigger conflict," explained Toveri, a former intelligence chief at Finland's Defence Command."

With more than 70 percent of its surface covered by forests, Finland is – by far – the most densely forested country in Europe.

My friend said the other day: "Why would Putin want Finland, there is nothing here other than forest. We don't have the same natural riches, as Ukraine". It was comforting. The only reason he would want Finland back, is if he is a megalomaniac and wants back the old, great Russian/Soviet empire. We don't know what's going on in his head - there are so many speculations. So far Finnish leaders have managed to please the Russian Bear after our independence, but now we have trampled on its paws by sending weapons to Ukraine, and by our presidential visit to the White House. But all of West is backing up Ukraine, so we are not unique in that sense. (Picture from FB: "FInland in my heart")

This one's worth watching if only because I got a warning when I tried to share my post on my Facebook page lol ( I mentioned the 'C' word) which perfectly illustrated the point of this little video.

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Whose Truth Is It Anyway, Season 4, Episode 40

It’s easy to be bamboozled by people telling us their truth. And we’ve seen, during COVID, media sources confuse everybody by spreading their own opinions, while calling their opinions fact and, at the same time, deleting and blocking any, and all, comments that they simply didn’t like. The truth has been belittled to opinions, just shouted ever louder!

MSM means Main Stream Media – I had to look it up. And the trouble with MSM is that they do exactly the same thing as social media, only they do it while wearing business suits on our television sets.

For the rest of this post, a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

This was posted on Facebook by the ministry 8thirty8:
"Dear friends, as we pray for Ukraine, let's also lift up our brothers and sisters in Russia. We received this update from a Russian friend this week."
"Please remember to pray for us here in Russia too! We are broken and hurting. But there are many believers here. We are continuing to preach the gospel and comfort people and encourage them to look to God! We have to look at God and go through this fiery furnace. Please pray for us believers in Russia who are trying to change our country from the inside out. One person at a time. We will preach the Gospel and God's love!" Message clipped. I didn't post the prayer from 8thirty8 due to space constraint.

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