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-Genocide cont’d
Heavenly Father save & deliver the Uyghurs & the Rohingya
Destroy all weapons/plans targeting ethne
Destroy its evil funding & market
Bring the profiteers to swift shame & justice
We place additional resources to discipling tribes

-Organ harvesting & the human trade
Lord we oppose every evil trade, its financiers & profiteers (Rev 18:11-13)
Expose & hinder their evil plans
May they repent of their sins and be saved
Deliver & heal every victim
Destroy every evil holding facility

These things we ask if it is Your will
In Jesus name. AMEN

Video: In His Image
Genesis 1:26,27
ICR, the Institute for Creation Research

Unreached ethne: Viswakarma, Hausa, Nau Buddh, Kahar, Pasi, Thai, Koiri, Kayashta, Madiga, Mongol, Sonar, Kashmiri, Sayyid, Baloch, Nair, Mahratta Kunbi, Gujar, Lodha, Gadaria, IIavan, Banjara, Brahman, Vakhaliga, Minangkabau, Badhi, Bugis, Bhoi, Kurd, Kachhi, Kanuri

Eric Foley, CEO of Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Korea posted this on Facebook 5 hours ago: 🙏 🙏 🙏

Prayer request from Sister Victoria from Ukraine:

"May God touch the hearts of soldiers, they too need salvation. It is very difficult for us, but we struggle with the feeling of hatred towards them, we try to forgive them. God has judgment and truth."

Please pray for the president of Finland who will make a phone call to Putin tomorrow! (Last week he visited the White House). As I shared earlier, president Niinistö might be the head of a state that has had the most frequent meetings with Mr Putin. One of the reasons for that might be that Finland is a buffer state between Russia and the West. We have had no other choice than to understand Russia, and to have a dialogue with them... This has been critizised by some Swedes, but these days Sweden is turning to Finland for advice and help.

Hello yall I’m back on DD &
I’m back from Africa- what a HS lead journey. The message was fully delivered there and my friend from carpet land got to witness how God does His thing with us in the way. She’s now gone back into her closed country and has opened a Quran / Bible study with me and others there

Prayers please for this family St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner so get ready for corned beef and cabbage and if you enjoy the bubbly, you can avoid feeling bad afterwards by preparing for it. Have a morning after drink ready so you won't have to feel bad after enjoying a night out on the town, or with friends and family celebrations. Preparation is better than cure, but you can have both! Learn the causes and symptoms of hangover and what to have ready for that next celebration before you need it!

I walked to the city center from my job for my lunch today, and saw some soldiers in full combat gear and armored cars and tanks. The air force is also flying over the city. Finnish military are conducting urban warfare training drills in several cities in Finland this week. They do it regularly, and this exercise was planned a couple of years ago. Some might think the timing is perfect, or a little scary.

Good morning from the UK! 💛
I love seeing this view from the office each morning (don't let the sun deceive you - it is freeeezing here).

Such a dream week with my son and his girlfriend with us in Stockholm.

Pray for the precious innocent, refugees. CMM members Justyna and Rafal Swiatek are in Poland and their church is welcoming and sharing Jesus. Many are in tears and need HOPE! Read our latest update here. Pray and as the Lord leads give today to help urgently. Many are in tears and need HOPE!

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