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Have you done it wrong? This is how you get six pack!

Both of my boys go through their military training this year so BE PREPARED for sad dad photos of his little boys. 😥
You MIGHT want to block me, because I am going to flood my feed with pics from memory lane.

@bethany I thought about this for a while. I would have had a different list 10 years ago. I had to add/remove so many as I tried to really think about it, BUT IF I COULD ONLY HAVE 5 ...

FB appears to be censoring content - on my feed, seems random at the moment but just concerning…thought this was best place to highlight - random gray as pictured, not uniformly except for BBC…. On all their features - very random for other folk on feed….

A woman was once asked what she gained from praying. She replied…
“Prayer isn’t about what I gain, it’s about what I lose. In prayer I lose my pride, arrogance, greed, desire for sin, impatience, despair and discouragement. Prayer allows me to lose the things that get in the way of drawing closer to Him”

This is ironically written by somebody. 😂 We are tired of the winter in Finland... April use to be spring time, not winter. It started melting a couple of weeks ago, but then it halted. It's been snowing again today. It started in November, so it's our sixth winter month... it's time for warmth, and to stop using winter jackets and winter boots, and to slip on icy roads.

"And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God." -Ephesians 3:17-19 💗💪👨‍👩‍👧‍👦↔️↕️💖✝️

Last year all my wonderful DD brothers and sisters were praying for my daughter and granddaughter to survive an extremely different delivery. Today Kynlee turned one and she is beautiful and healthy and so is my daughter.
I thank God for DD! A place that brings us together from around the world to love and hold each other up in prayer. Praise God for saving the life of this tiny child that has my heart wrapped around her tiny finger!

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