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Family Prayer Time, Hotdogs, S01E07

Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always, to pray as a family. And they continue their series on using objects for prayer to help us stay focused, returning this week to World Food or The Photo!

By special request, JoJo & Peter pray for the United States of America, encouraging us to use Hotdogs as our focal point!

With a photograph of some, authentic American hotdogs, we hope! – Peter and JoJo pray for America.

A big thank you to David, our friend from America for encouraging us to pray for the USA, for suggesting Hotdogs as our focus and for prayer pointers.

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Why Easter? 2022

We’ve been working on a video that looks at the question – Why Easter?

So what does Easter and what do a wooden cross, churches, people and crowds, hot cross buns, chicks, chocolate, food, bank holiday and traffic jams all have in common!

Bank Holiday Mondays happen because of Easter, an event that we know to be true, some 2,000 years ago.

That just leaves with a simple question and a simple choice…

The BerryBunch Your brain and body are 70-80% water, make it water that hydrates and heals and disease proofs your body! Dr. Otto Warburg showed that cancer can't live in a highly alkaline body!

Miraculous Healing Testimony Of 9 Years of Infertility, then Pregnancy With Cancer-HEALED!
Our dear friend Stefania Della Santa from Switzerland hosts a miraculous testimony from Kristina Petricevic, of Croatia. Many prayers had gone up for Kristina after Stefania was led by the Lord to pray for her. Our healing team joined the prayers for her miracle as we watched the Lord do this amazing healing miracle. Kirstina writes 'I live with my family in Split, Croatia. I am 45 years old and a year and a half ago I gave birth to a son Abraham. Before I stayed pregnant I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. After 9 years of infertility in marriage and with such a diagnosis, God gave me a sign that I asked Him - pregnancy. This sign was confirmation that Jesus had healed me with his stripes. Praise God for his faithfulness and goodness.'

I was watching BELOW DECK last night, season 3 and the parents of one of the guys secretly flew to Naples to surprise their son.
He was in tears
then they were in tears
then I was in tears. Earthing or Grounding protects you from EMF radiation and harmful frequencies by giving your body free electrons (antioxidant) with contact with earth's healing magnetic energy. It also improves mood, enhanced bone density and is a natural antioxidant and stress reliever.

Called my youngest son yesterday because I was curious to see that he was online at 2:30 am - his time.
"Whatchadoing up so late?" I asked.
"oh - just out for a walk."
"WALK?! At 2:30 in the morning?"
"Yea, I need an early start for breakfast. I am walking to IHOP."
The nearest IHOP is 23 miles away. A 7 hour walk. He made it to breakfast at 7 am and then walked back!
He goes to bootcamp in 2 weeks and THIS is how he prepares. 😂 😥 😂 😥😂 😥

Just delivered supplies to Ukraine. Also got to know a few brave Ukrainians. Let us put our prayers and actions together for the people currently affected by the war!

Special hats we decorated at a mother and daughter craft and tea event today.

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