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Seriously, this felt like my day today.
Forgot credit card at restaurant, had to drive back 6 hours to get it.
Health insurance wants to drop us because we are not in China and wife needs both knees replaced.
Son in bootcamp calls today, but can't get through because WIFI is weak. So we missed our first call in 2 weeks.
US ESTA visa can't make distinguishing marks so my wife's security clearance to attend son's graduation in June won't go through because we don't know was one of the digits on the visa an "l" (little L) and "I" (capital I) or a "1"
I can identify with this pic so much today.

People predicting the precise return of Jesus has happened so many times and proven wrong. Here is a look back at 5 times false prophesies were given.

The ground realities! Cow as firewood producer !!! Fresh cow dung is dried on the floor or on the walls , then carried as headload and stored to be used as firewood. Of course there is lot of smoke, which drives the mosquitoes away.

Please pray for 'Mark' a nominal Christian, without Salvation experience. He is diagnosed with some stomach ailments.
Daughter, a strong believer and volunteer for a local network.

Easier said than done, but it was encouraging for me to read this.

@sinbach I just watched a clip on IG and was thinking of your post. This is a screenshot of it.

: 4 years ago this day we posted "Updated Provisional Table of Content: How Shapes Series"

@MaryMamuzich Today I remembered the mini truck 'we drove together ' by faith ! Much safer than Tesla test drives!
The equipments and materials were used immediately for the Church planters training. The vehicle is used by the team extensively for traveling to rural areas.

Those who are wondering about the story; When severe travel restrictions were in place, through prayer a team managed to send a vehicle loaded with scriptures, agriculture tools, construction tools, water pumps and some food materials to a training location 400 plus miles away from the base.
The results are echoing even today!

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