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Here's an advertisement from 1953.
Not saying any names that this ad reminded me of.....
But seriously, how much would they be sued for today for running an advert like that????😂 😂

This year there's been a few anti-VanTillian who play the card of being a "former Presuppositionalist" that is either false or ambiguous; here's our take on one example:

Rise and shine. Don't forget to stop and enjoy the beauty of the spring flowers!

Today is our 7th anniversary! Wow! I love my wife. We both live together & serve together.
Junia just went to sleep sonwe have time to celebrate 🤩🤩🤩

Need lot of prayers !!!
We have decided to purchase water from the same people who are experts in creating 'storms in tea cups' !
Knowing that we are 'more than conquerors' in and through the one who is living in us.

Expecting the Dove to descend!
Chariots of fire to surround us !
In this war of setting the captives free , we may be led by the Spirit not flesh.
Amen ! 🙏

Yes, I am such a SUCKER for this kind of stuff.
This couple took a picture on their 52nd Anniversary on the same motorcycle in the same place as when they were dating.

A few years ago abortionist Robert Santella threatened someone who blogged on Veritas Domain and that ended the abortionist career since it was filmed and went viral especially with the abortionist's demonic voice:

@tanjaostman @bethany @Berrybunchfamily @StevenBerry in case you don't know how to act in Britain - here is a WWII video teaching Americans how to behave themselves in the UK. 😂
...and if you can't place that actor - it is Mick from the Rocky movie

On Mother's day a believer from a Buddhist country shared the following story. A Buddhist teacher told her class the Garden of Eden story. However she told them that God created Moses and Eve. This believer stood up and corrected her saying 'no Ma'am his name was Adam. The teacher figured out that the student is a Christian got angry at her and send her out of the class. Also warned her that she will be never allowed to attend this teacher's class again. Later the daughter talked to her mother over the phone. To comfort the daughter the mother sang "Yes God is Good" in different languages. And counseled her to be bold and never be ashamed to stand up for Jesus.
On "Mother's day she remembers this with great admiration for her mother.

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