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This is so powerful and beautiful! This video is made of 500 videos, in 257 languages in 154 nations. Including blurred faces from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia etc. It reminds me that we are one family in Christ!

: 3 years ago this day I wrote a Review: Five Festal Garments: On : The Song of Solomon, , , and

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 12.05.2022

“We never know what the seeds we plant will do. All we can do is sow as best we can – wherever we believe the Lord is calling us to sow!!”

Andy B

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 11.05.2021

“Never Give Up, Never Surrender (Galaxy Quest) or 2 Corinthians 4:16-18”

Andy B

I honestly don't know if it's a good or bad idea to join NATO when you have a long border to Russia. It's very provocative from the Russian point of view. The biggest problem for Finland is and has always been Russia - that's sad, because it's a well functioning, western, democratic country that's been set as an example and ranked the best country in the world in several rankings. I don't blame ordinary Russians, but the Russian power, that has ruled, threatened and killed my forefathers throughout history. That made my parents' generation fatherless - by physical or emotional death. We haven't totally recovered yet.

@sinbach This morning I remembered Uncle Ren (Brother Yun's friend, mentor, partner, translator) sharing in our Volunteers gathering about "Orchid Island" . How they found sand for church construction in a cave.

Please collect Uncle's stories and publish.

After 15 days in Air Force boot camp I FINALLY GOT MY FIRST PHONE CALL FROM MY SON! I have been waiting so long for that phone call!!!!
He sounded happy! and actually said that he was having fun!
that is soooo my boy! he has the disease of his father, finding strange joy in shared misery. 😂

@sinbach I pick the one with "too much" butter. I definitely don't want the communism.

Abortion - What Did Christians of the Early Church Believe?

Abortion has been all over US headlines. Some have suggested that the current view of abortion in American Evangelical Christianity is merely the invention of divisive leaders, or even that true Christianity is not actually against abortion, but that it’s only a politicized issue. Is this true? Have Christians only recently stood against abortion in the Evangelical movement? How should Kingdom Laborers engage this topic? Listen to episode 126 discover the truth as held in early ancient Christianity at!




I was going to my room this evening while all the lights were out. I had a bit of a thought. To often in our lives, we are walking in darkness and we see the smallest amount of light like from a night light. We become too focused on the small bit of light and stumble and forget to find the true light. We focus on terminology, etymology, theology, and interpretation rather than just opening ourselves to the possibility that we could be wrong, and just taking God's word as it is, believing it, and most importantly, OBEYING it. When this is all done, we want to force others to believe our story and follow the small light rather than realizing that we are not following the real light.

Happy nurses week to our cute nurse! It can be a thankless job at times, but know your care & compassion is recognized & appreciated.💗🇨🇦

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