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“Please keep my elderly Mother who is 80 in your prayers. She is in the hospital for internal bleeding. She is also having pain and a lot of confusion. 😞🙏” — THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOUR PRAYERS 💞 —

On the way to hospital to be with her, she is very confused and very upset with the nurses and doctors. She doesn’t understand what is happening, and they had to restrain her. 😭😭😭.

Please pray for all confusion to be gone and God’s peace to reign over her mind and heart. Jesus is the prince of peace, may she FEEL His presence with her!

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Classes globally online in English, Spanish, Burmese, and Thai!
Our 15th year of offering affordable, accredited Christian Degrees.​

Saw this post on-line of a cat in the back of the Sheriffs car @bethany
Honestly? I think he's guilty.

This is so beautiful, and exactly what Jesus would do - on the streets where all the people are. I happened to see a clip on Instagram of this girl called Harmonie London. Then I saw more clips, and people are touched by her singing in the streets of London. It becomes a place of God's presence. People are crying and this homeless alcoholic man is bowing down and soaking in His presence. A rich man passing by in a Ferrari throws money in another clip. She sings like an angel.

Pray for a elderly woman who is a new neighbor of mine she is originally from Spain and has a thick accent. She is very lonely so I told her that when I’m lonely I take it to God and he helps me with it. I told her she could do that and he would help her! Her eyes filled with water and she said could I? I said yes.

"Mom the police are here!"
One thing I never get used to is surprise police visits! Today it was to introduce the new "Manager of Foreigners " and ask us questions. Our family is the only foreigners in our area! So it is an honor and privilege to be here.I believe it is important to always show love,kindness,respect and do our best to win people's hearts. A "from the past Anti-foreigner" attitude can still be seen and felt at times. Some will still use the words" white devils" in reference to us, but we understand WHY. They had to live through EXTREMELY unimaginable hardships during the years when China forbid white foreigners .They lived with intensity of Communism,Great Starvation,Tiananmen Square Massacre and more! So I find it easy to love those who may treat us wrongly or with prejudice.Jesus spoke on the Cross " They know not what they do"...
Having said all that, MOST people here are the sweetest kindest people!The Chinese have become my people in many ways and always will be!

The founder of Satanist church of South Africa encounters Jesus Christ! He mentions that he used to be in Christian ministry before becoming Satanist. Isn't it quite common that Westerners who are atheists or Satanists have grown up in church and are disappointed with Christianity/Christians?

"Small streams don't plan to be mighty rivers.
We simply move through life like water directed by God's mighty hand and He decides what we will become."

The world leader recognized at the top persecutor of Christians is surprising!
We share the findings of the most recent reports in our latest article

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