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Hey DingDash family!! How is everyone?? Crazy busy couple of months and I’ve not posted in soooo long!!

Found on Telegram: "Here's Zuckerberg in a leaked internal Facebook video saying the same things about the covid shot that he bans people from his platform for talking about.

Unbelievably vile small hat behavior. Of course it's no surprise to anyone here, nor is this new information.
Join for more: @TheCovidTruthNet"

The new US minted quarter this year has George Washington turning his back on "In God We Trust."
Prophetic symbolism???

I follow a few Telegram channels that share testimonials every day about vaccine injuries. I follow both Finnish and Swedish FB pages, where anybody can share about injuries and death, and people share every day. I've not been active on FB in a couple of month. I don't need to read anymore about the side effects. I'm already 100% convinced of the risks. But there are still people out there who think mRNA is safe and effective. I have given up the idea that I can convince anybody, who still belive the lies despite the load of evidence, both in form of thousands of testimonials and all medical papers, and warnings from experts. I just pray for my relatives that the won't take a third or fourth one.

Please pray. I just witnessed to a guy who's in a deep valley in this crazy life. Plz pray he surrenders his life to Jesus.

I haven't even read half of this book yet, but I'm so inspired, that I have to share about it now! This book by Eugene @sinbach was written in 2015, but I ordered it a few months ago, and it's a timeless read. I haven't read many fiction books as an adult, because I think biographies and other non-fiction books are more interesting. What I love about this book and other books by Eugene, is that he doesn't only tell the stories of people he meets, but also paints the bigger picture, with facts and history about a certain nation or religion (or other things). And it's not only Wikipedia facts, but unique insights that he has gotten by researching on site, by reading books and talking to locals. I have learnt so much about the nations in the 10/40 window by reading his books and following BTJ - things that you don't learn in school, in tourist guides, from Wikipedia or even history books. Together with two other books on Iran, it has totally changed my view of Iranians and birthed a love

My Mother has a better day yesterday, thanks so much for all of your prayers. They are going to do an X-ray this morning.

There are expressed concerns about her 80 year old husband not being able to take care of her, I am trying to get moved down there, but they need more help now, & he insists he can take care of her.

He’s very overweight, walks with a cane & has a bad foot, can barely breathe with lung issues, but doesn’t want to admit he needs help. He is not a Christian, and with age he is getting more and more short tempered.

I am worried and fearful that this morning if he doesn’t agree to get some type of help and assistance coming into the home, THE DOCTOR MIGHT TAKE THE DECISION OUT OF HIS HANDS AND PLACE HER SOMEWHERE 😭😞

He can afford it, please pray he comes to his senses and does right by my mom. She has 2 little dogs at home that she loves dearly & they are one of the few things that brings joy in her life...I don’t want her losing that! 😭😭😭

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