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30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’

31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:30-31

Come, let's go fishing! With Jesus who said 'I will make you fishers of men' !

Our people need Jesus, who claimed that He is ;
The Bread of Life !
Giver of Living Water (John 4)
Good Shepherd
True wine

The Jewish economy was dependent on farming. They prospered in every walk of life.
Please pray that our nation may return to the creator and prosper.
The believers will become role models for the Nation.

Today I read about a moral scandal by the founder and leader of one of the most famous denominations in our world. I won't mention his name, because this post is not about it - but it's just an example that strong hierarchies, control, titles or fame etc. can't protect anybody from sinning. A strong relationship with Jesus Christ himself is the best protection. Some say that you can't control people, and make sure they don't fall into sin or heresies in non-hierachical churches, like but there is no Biblical proof for that idea. If Jesus Christ is the head of His Church (instead of a dominant leader), and Lord of our lives, things will fall into place. The book Reimagining Church by Frank Viola, focuses a lot on what the Bible says about leadership. A leader serves the people. The most common picture of the ekklesia is family (sisters, brothers), and leadership is being fathers and mothers.

For our friends near Nashville - TOMORROW is the last day of the book tour with Mariam Ibraheem.
2 Sunday Services with Grace Center Church in Franklin TN is going to be a BLAST. Pastor Jeff Dollar has been a long-time friend and BTJ supporter. CAN'T WAIT!

These Ukrainian Christians are my heroes. Most people would be scared to death if they would be in the same situation - in between two Russian frontlines. They don't deny reality (they are in contact with the military). And they don't deny the Biblical reality.

So you don't think the war in Ukraine isn't spiritual warfare?
Think again.
We need prayer warriors like NEVER before during these last days.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

I know that many of my friends will NOT agree, but i cant help it! I LOVE traveling in Constitutional Carry states where I get to carry this.
In all the nations I work in, I'm not allowed to carry this, BUT today I'm free!
Eeeekkkk, it feels like Christmas day.
I promise Will, I will give it back and the end of the tour 😂

Recently a House church gathering was interrupted by a non-Christian political party. Police arrested few youngsters including the Elder.
However, when women were harassed, some young believers manhandled the attackers. We felt that, we failed to mentor those young believers in sound biblical principles.
Pray for those who are injured and recovering.

PDF ’ Dissertation: and the Personhood of : A Moral Argument for the Existence of a Personal God

Prayers are needed as this woman's testimony is changing lives!

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Keep Going, (There's a picture of first ever book in this video too 😎 )

There is so much in life that can drag us down and make us give up. But, there is much reason to keep going!

Andy B started a project in September 2021 – writing a book. This is a project a friend had asked him to undertake. And it’s quite a rapid turn around.

But there are so many things that Andy B never got to do.
We all have dreams, hopes and ambitions. And they all can be decimated, or perhaps just deflected.

But God has plans for us as His children. And those plans are to prosper us.

So, if you’ve been putting off something you know God has placed on your heart, and you have a hundred reasons why you couldn’t follow through, or perhaps just the one reason – pick up again and just Keep Going!

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

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