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This is in line with what @sinbach recently said in the BTJ podcast about China. Best U.S. Made Portable Water Filter - Be Prepared and Have Clean Drinking Water. Support Fellow Americans First and Veterans and Buy American! The number one most important thing to your survival is clean air and uncontaminated drinking water. People taking vaxxes are shedding through urination into the waste system, and tap water recycling doesn't get rid of all the toxins in it from Covid-19 vaccines. Make Sure you have access to fluoride, lead, mercury, microbe and viral contaminant free drinking water in any emergency. Berkey U.S. water purifiers are the number one portable water purification system in the world! Always be safe from any emergency, water or power shut-off or outbreak.

Video: Why Is “Presuppositional” Apologetics Superior To “Classical/Evidential” ? Right Response Ministries

Please pray for my mother and her husband, Dick and Roxane. They both went into the hospital today.

Dick is not at all well, he has liver failure and kidney failure and is very sick. He is swollen and jaundiced, blood count is a quarter of what it should be, and they are giving him blood right now.

Please pray for grace at work, as I try to take off work again for family emergency.

Please pray for a place for me to live closer to them, for God’s grace strength and help, and for salvation for both of them (they are both 80).

Thank you so much for praying.

Our products are in big demand. Hoping to set up many units to provide seedlings.

Soon an on the ground Volunteer may share real time updates!

Thank you intercessors.

Providing sustainable and reproducible solutions, leading souls to eternity!

morning DingDash family peoples

we got a heatwave in the UK with temperatures in London predicted to be hotter than the Sahara Desert

we don't live in London 🙂

How's y'all?

Andy B

Presenting gifts to the Laos government for distribution to the starving people pf the country. Our team was able to go with them. High up in government places, because of our massive contriution in the 18th most dangerous nation to be a Christian in and yet they accepted.

@tymektt Most of us are on 1 meal a day. Bicycling to farm, ministry locations, etc

Inspite of political chaos administrators are doing their job well.
Colombo mayor is a born again believer.
Out of 4 groups trying to rule the nation 2 hold extreme religious or ideological views. (One is communist).

People are open and receptive to the Gospel message than before..
Many groups are discouraging farmers from sowing paddy, etc with hidden agendas.
Some groups have became extremely vulnerable, especially the war widows of last decade, etc
Please pray against Human trafficking , Laziness and extreme poverty.

Our daughter, Adelaide will be a big sister, with another coming in October!!

A pizza place in Alaska sells their pizzas in pizza boxes that double as rifle range targets!

In the country of Laos, our team was able to deliver tons upon tons of food to the Laos government which was promptly delivered by our team alongside the government which our team later came back and shared Jesus with many who have become disciples.

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