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Grateful Why?Outreach made this meme of our article responding to the skeptics attack of the :

Behind the scenes with the BerryBunch

I’ve been hearing the same thing of late, from quite a few people. And it goes something like this:

“How are you able to produce so much? I can’t do that”.

So, let me pull the curtain back a little, to the world of the BerryBunch – in the hope that I can encourage you in your own serving of God.

But, firstly, do you have any specific questions you’d like us to answer about what we do, how we do it, or why we do it? Let us know and we’ll do our best to answer them. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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Review: Common Law and Natural in : From the to the Legal Realists (with how shaped law and eventually secularism started to operate)

Farming isn’t just a job. It’s a way of life. Farmers are the gatekeepers of our countryside and the providers of our food. Support our farmers. Buy directly from them wherever possible rather than buying from the supermarkets.

A priest, rabbit, and minister walk into a bar. The bar tender asks the rabbit, "What can I get ya?"
The rabbit answers, "Dunno, I'm only here because of auto-correct."
😂 😂

Praise the lord
This is singye from Bhutan please be praying for our OT recording team in Dzongkha. we are towards the end of Plasm.
There are many challanges in due to changes of new laws in the country.
lots of distrubance in public at present.
kindly pray for the leaders of our county to have good sight in the name of our lord.
and kindly pray for me and my family
with love singye

Please don’t forget to pray for the orphans in China. Because of Covid no international adoptions are moving forward and there are many children waiting for parents and a loving home. 😰😰😰😰😰 they are on my hearts every day. Some little children even had parents arriving to be pick them up and bring them home.... when suddenly the China wall went up and no one could come in to pick them up anymore until Covid restrictions are lifted. Those children have been waiting ever since. Those parents are besides themselves waiting to come get them! Please pray the hearts can be turned soon to opening back up the roads for adoption. And that the people of God could also have moved hearts towards providing homes for children who have been abandoned and are suffering every day without a family.

After more than 22 years on the mission field, I use this podcast to share the ONLY thing I have found to measure of success in the ministry....

There seems to be heatwaves all over the USA and mid and southern Europe. What is it like where you all live? We have only around 22°C (70°F). It seems it won't come here. They say in the clip that UK has reached a record. 40°C (104 F) in London. What about where you live @Berrybunchfamily?

What questions can you ask to initiate a conversation? Check out these suggestions here:

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DingDash is one server in the network