Show more What is the Worlds Brightest flashlight? The Worlds Brightest Flashlight is a torch flashlight with 100,000 lumens, yes you read that correctly, 100,000 lumens of looking directly into sunlight. It can illuminate a whole area, completely blind a would be assailant or someone invading your space. You can see clearly for a long way, and in a wide path. It can stop a bear in it’s tracks!

Presuppositional tackling other religions and cults: Bibliography of Books and chapters of Books

A fun reading book Review since pastors also need a break from heavy theological reading! : The Adventures Continue Season Two How to prevent menopause symptoms, hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and bloating naturally. It's all about hormonal balance. Use the Best Natural Menopause Remedies that balance your hormones, prevent osteoporosis, mood swings, night sweats, hot flashes, weight gain naturally without harmful side effects.

Torben Sondergaard, the founder of The Last Reformation- movement have been in jail in Florida for 48 days now because of false accusations. First they accused him of smuggling weapons 🤯 from Mexico to USA (TLR had a Kickstart-event in Mexico so they travelled there often), but after some time they said they don't accuse him of that anymore. His lawyers tried to get him out on bail, but were shocked to found out they gave him no chance to get out. Finally they handled him a paper with covid restrictions that said they will keep him in jail because of covid rules: there was written that they need to keep him locked in because of obesity (to protect that HE doesn't get covid)! 🤯🤯 The guard had looked at Torben and said: "you have not obesity!" then handled him the paper and walked away. Torbens updates from jail is to be found on YouTube. In this last update Torben is highly recommending Brother Yuns book Heavenly man which he has found encouraging for himself.

Thank you for your precious words of encouragement sister.
I like your insight on this subject , with particular reference to Moses. This post was a personal challenge as I wrote it .
God bless you and your family sister.@sarikorpi

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