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The greatest resistance to deliverance ministry seems to come from Christians who don't want to believe that they can have a demon. But consider that Jesus rebuked Peter, when Peter tried to dissuade Jesus from the cross, saying "get behind me Satan!" (Matthew 16:23). Jesus had just finished telling Peter that he would receive "the keys of the kingdom" and Jesus called Peter, "Blessed!" Jesus hasn't changed His mind and is not calling Peter himself "Satan". Rather, Jesus was rebuking Satan who was using Jesus' good friend, Peter, to tempt Jesus.

This is strong evidence that demons can be at work in the lives of faithful believers.

Check out the full chapter here:

@KarlGessler much better now, thanks Karl

Jo's had some times of tiredness, but she was back at work today, albeit from home

She started late and finished early to take it easy; she's trying to reduce her hours too from having done too many for so long so it made it easy for her to take a very relaxed working week this week .

Andy B

Since it was announced this morning, on air, I can now share this good news here too.🙂

Jo and I are launching a new Radio Show, on Konnect Radio - every Sunday from 4pm to 6pm, from 4th September.

We were approached a while ago and asked if we'd consider putting a new show together - for families.

After some prayer, and rearranging our own ministry schedule, we said yes.

You can hear us, LIVE, next Wednesday, from around 0830 (UK time), talking about the new show.

We've been bursting to say something for a while, but the cat is most definitely out of the bag now.

Not listening to Konnect Radio yet? Down load the app from Google or Amazon, or listen online through their website and via your smart speaker. You can listen from ANYWHERE in the world.

It's the first mixed music station in the UK, with the best of both Christian and secular music; it's always family friendly for all: we love Konnect, what they do and how they do it all for Jesus.

Andy B

My stepdad has taken a turn for the worse, please pray for him. Nurse said he is having excessive tremors and it’s not looking good. Infection is moving about in his body. I am waiting on a call back from the doctor. 😭

He is not a Christian, please pray for him!

Pray for Forge Ambassador teams working inside Somalia!!

With some news research you’ll discover that Al shabaab has initiated horrific attacks. Bombing and intense fighting has been going on for nearly two days.

Forge ambassadors are saying “We have not slept but are hiding out. We have peace that if we die then heaven awaits us. But we are burdened to the point of no sleep for our people. There is aggression and hate, the loss of innocent civilians, no peace in the people’s hearts, and no true belief. We are burdened with the darkness that covers this whole land, the relentlessness of satan repelling anything good.”

Support God’s work through everyday kingdom laborers in places of great needs:

Thanks so much for all of your prayers, yesterday was my first day off since July 17. Am emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted.

Parents still at the hospital, both have been diagnosed with severe dementia. Staff there are helping me to try to get them placed in a care home, some difficulties there.

I have been trying to work, be there for them and their two dogs on weekends, trying to find a place to live closer to them that I can afford.

I am strapped financially, and it’s 2.5 hours of driving one way to go see them and their dogs.

My lease ends Sept 16. Due to exhaustion & financial limitations, am considering possibly moving to be with sister in another state for a time to try to recover, but that would mean leaving them at the care home for a period of time, without me being nearby.

If the answer is to move nearer to parents as they transition, I need a real miracle from God. Please pray for me for wisdom and guidance, that I feel and hear His heart in all of this.

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