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@sinbach One of my favorites, it wasn't in a us airport was it?

@sinbach If that's why i first went to China, it sure backfired on them... πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

@andyharris Happy birthday! but don't grow up or be sensible, it just makes you old if you doπŸ˜‚

@sinbach let's hurry up and complete the great commission... I would love this!

@bethany Its a nice sunny day here is SC... Ill trade you a bit of sunshine for a little rain πŸ˜€

@bethany @tymektt She is alive, welcome back! And you have a new profile image! πŸ˜€

@tymektt I love to travel on trains. I once traveled on one in China for 72 hours, then switched trains and went another 24 hours. Oh, and I was out if money so didn't eat on most of the trip! Fun, fun, fun!

@sinbach I thought you didn't follow racing... now the truth is coming forth πŸ˜€

Will boosted

Arguably, the most powerful group of believers we've EVER hosted in the history of our organization in one single meeting.

@sinbach It's going to be an amazing time, I can hardly wait!

@davereimer @sinbach if you do, please introduce yourself, I will be there, and would love to meet you. I will be running the book table.

@sinbach @bethany @tymektt oh, that would be so much fun, but you better not go and die before me πŸ™‚

@sinbach maybe they just finished reading The Shack

@tymektt happy anniversary, how did I not know this?

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