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Bethany boosted

This is my daughter a couple years ago. She always comes to the country orphanage to help me with medical issues. The neglect and story of these children brings tears. We can't share on here. But please pray that we have wisdom each step that we are taking to help! And please pray China opens their borders again, as she hasn’t been able to get back since covid began.

Bethany boosted

Acts 4:31
31)And when they had prayed, the place where they were meeting together was shaken [a sign of God’s presence]; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God with boldness and courage.

Bethany boosted

Your Word will not be shaken
Your Word will never fail me
Like a fire in my bones
Like a whisper to my soul
Your Word is revelation

I came across this song a couple days ago, and had it on repeat since

Bethany boosted

You know it's time right?
...It's time to dust off your passport and join us in Iraq for a vision casting trip that will change your life.

Bethany boosted

Dear DingDash family, please keep us in your prayers today. I am here in the US writing Meriam Ibrahim's story. Not an easy story. Yesterday was filled with emotion and tears as Meriam talked about being born in a refugee camp, her father brutally murdering her aunt for an honor killing, her mother being tied up for two days and raped, and her running away and hiding to escape circumcision - only to be forcefully dragged back to the village and the Muslim elders publicly witnessing her genital mutilation - and this was all before she was even 7 years old!
We can use all the prayers we can get for this project.

Bethany boosted

@farmerjohn because the church is not comfort or buildings. Those things can be idols. If Christians are not willing to meet in a park or in a home then the people who they meet with in a church building are not their brethren. Ether they or those they meet with are not Born Again. Born Again Christians want desperately to be with their family as much as possible whether it is illegal or not.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Amazing testimonies from inside of China!
“We are seeing so many people come to Christ. I have been calling the church leaders and begging them for more workers."

Bethany boosted

@bethany “Father, Nigeria is one of the nations You have assigned me to intercede for. While it appears evil is winning against children, I know You reign supreme. You are Lord over Nigeria and Boka Haram. You love the people of Nigeria, even those who participate in evil. I ask You to change hearts and call those who are evil to repentance that leads to salvation. May they realize that You love them with an everlasting love. May they realize their deeds only leave an empty void within them. I ask, Almighty God, to intervene with the greatest extent of Your mercy, grace, and protection for these children who are so vulnerable. May You provide a way of escape for these precious children. Activate the angelic hosts to show themselves mighty and fearful to those who would try to kidnap or even kill the children. For those children who have been kidnapped, open the door for rescue or escape. Protect them from murderous intentions. Preserve their lives for the glory of Your kingdom. Amen”

Schools are rapidly closing in Nigeria - not because of Covid, or even school shootings, but because of mass abductions by terror groups.
Hundreds of children have been taken in a string of kidnappings in recent months.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Islamic terrorists execute 5 Christians, video of killings released with warning to other Christians
Five of the 11 Christians kidnapped on Christmas Day in northeast Nigeria have been executed by Islamic terrorists

There is a crisis among young people in China - suicide rates are among the highest they have ever been.
But in their time of greatest need, the Gospel is providing hope where communism has failed them.

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Bethany boosted

My granddaughter got discharged from the hospital!! Jesus blessed us with a tiny bundle of joy.

Bethany boosted

This week in Egypt, terrorists posted a video showing the execution of three people. One of them was 62-year-old Coptic Christian, Nabil El-Habashy.
His crime? Helping to rebuild a church.

Bethany boosted

*UPDATE * On my daughter, Lisa, and baby.
Miracles all around!! Lisa had a terrible Accreta case, she lost 5 liters of blood during surgery! She has amazed the doctor and nurses by healing so quickly. The nurse said most ppl with cases like Lisa are in bed for 2 weeks. Lisa was out of the hospital in 5 days. Two weeks later and she is doing amazing!!
Baby, Kynlee, has also been hitting each goal set for her. Today her feeding tube was taken out. She recovers quickly when her oxygen levels dip AND... She may be discharged in a day or two!!
I came home yesterday. It was a stressful time but also a time of many blessings caring for my other two granddaughters.
Thank you all for praying! My love to all of you!

I still haven't been able to see the baby😢 ...but soon🙏

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