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The influence of ISIS is growing in Pakistan.
Join us in praying for the believers there and for the missionaries who are faithfully serving to bring a message of hope.

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In response to the covid-19 teen suicide pandemic in China, we have launched a NEW program to share hope in the darkness.

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How bad are things getting in North Korea?
Well according to the North Korean government - 700 orphans have just "volunteered" to work in coal mines.

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What a privilege to give to this project! May the door stay open wide and longer than expected!

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PTL! Against all odds - the doors have opened to print and distribute Bibles in China!
We do not know how long this door will be open, but we thank God for it today. Let us work while it is still day, for the night soon cometh, when no man can work.

Funding has finally started flowing again to BTJ missionaries after months of difficulty. We are praising God for this today! 🙏🏼

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Millions of Christians face interrogation, arrest, torture, and/or death because of their religious convictions

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Is Facebook using a social scoring system similar to what we have in China?
Yes, it does appear so

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Yesterday was a crushing hard day. But at the end we closed in prayer, lifting our needs and concerns to God.

A man posing as a policeman absolutely terrified Ann by telling her lies and making her think they were going to arrest her. After a few hours he got her banking info under the guise of needing to freeze her accounts. He then went into her account and took out loans (in China there is a way to do an instant loan apparently) and took all their money too. We went to the police for help.

You know it’s interesting. Spiritually speaking... as this weekend a young person asked to go to church for the first time, after learning more about God. I don’t think the devil liked that! And then this cruel mean theft.

Anyways, I am posting the PayPal link if anyone would like to give some immediate help -as all money is gone. The police say it would take months probably to get the money back and only 1% of people actually get it back.

Please pray for them.

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Does it make sense to pray for guidance about the future if we are not obeying in the thing that lies before us today? How many momentous events in Scripture depended on one person's seemingly small act of obedience! Rest assured: Do what God tells you to do now, and, depend upon it, you will be shown what to do next. -E. Elliot

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Cabin fever? Don't feel like reliving 2020?
Do something radical!
Join BTJ for few days in the Middle East!
We have the most sign ups we have EVER had for a missions trip, so we are hosting a LIVE Q&A session THIS WEEKEND to share information and answer a few questions.
Join us! Information below.

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The Gospel is good news. However, for many church-going people, the Gospel WAS good news. Once upon a time, back when they “got saved” it was good news. Today, joy, peace, comfort, security, approval and all sorts of things are sought from much lesser entities than Christ. Media, Money, Pleasure, insurance, man’s approval, etc. Revival begins as soon as we return to the fountain of living water. Jesus is good news for right now. Jesus is good news TODAY. Every other source of strength is an idol.

Let us worship Jesus as the one and only this morning.

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