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Bethany boosted

My wife and I are in CHRIST JESUS and HE's been our guide for many years through many dark times. Most of which are our own doing. Our adult daughter has cancer and is terminal. She loves THE LORD YSHUA and knows where she is going when HE calls her home. Our youngest son is severely mentally ill and is hospitalized at the writing of this message. All we are asking is for GOD's mercy and grace to be poured out upon our two children fighting for their lives. Please pray for Christina and Christopher.

Bethany boosted

The next generation is needed!
A self paced mission course for teens and tweens! Learn about missions and learn how they can get involved now. They can do it at home and at their own pace.

Bethany boosted

Gospel Privilege - Author and missionary leader David Joannes joins our BTJ podcast and shares about his new book.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

1 John 1:5‭-‬7
This is the life-giving message we heard him share and it’s still ringing in our ears. We now repeat his words to you: God is pure light. You will never find even a trace of darkness in him.
If we claim that we share life with him, but keep walking in the realm of darkness, we’re fooling ourselves and not living the truth.
But if we keep living in the pure light that surrounds him, we share unbroken fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, continually cleanses us from all sin.

Bethany boosted

****URGENT help needed****

Disastrous floods causing devastation in Zhenghzhou, China as we speak! Already lives have been lost and homes completely destroyed.

Firstly please join us in prayer, that the rain would cease and no more lives lost. Also, just as Jesus met the needs of people around Him, we need to put love & faith into action by sending urgent relief to these precious people.

Details below of how to donate 👇🏻. Updates to follow….

Bethany boosted

These stories are unlike other defecting type stories in that the ones that live to escape North Korea live in Christ before they leave and learn to be a blessing in an environment where there are none. I encourage you to read it and be blessed for yourself.

"Has the God who prepared the Gospel for all people groups, also prepared all people groups for the Gospel?"

Had this on my bookcase for months and only just got around to reading it. GREAT read for anyone who hasn't read it!

Bethany boosted

A man gave this remarkable
testimony concerning the Word: "Never compare this Book with other books. Comparisons are dangerous. Never think or never say that this Book contains the Word of God. It is the
Word of God. It is supernatural in origin, eternal in duration, inexpressible in value, infinite in scope, regenerative in power, infallible in authority, universal in interest, personal in application, inspired in totality. Read it through. Write it down. Pray it in. Work it out. And then pass it on."

Smith Wigglesworth
P.10-11 Faith That Prevails

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Pray for the Christians in Canada who are having their churches terrorized and burnt to the ground. Fourty seven and counting now.

Bethany boosted

I wanted to pray more effectively, and more specifically, for the persecuted church. And Nigeria has been on my mind for a while now.

I highly recommend @sinbach 's podcast with @Olamide -

It is a really helpful call to action!

And next week in Prayer 2:62 we're gonna have a focus on praying for Nigeria, so I asked Olly D for a video clip we could use, and he sent me the video I've used here.

If nothing else, Olly makes it super simple what, why and how to pray and that's a priceless gift in, and of, itself!

Andy B

Bethany boosted

During the summer, you can get your family involved in a missions program without leaving home. YET.

Bethany boosted

People of God in your prayers, please do remember the Christians in Northern Nigeria: Pray against the very evil spirit of radical Islam..pray for the Nigerian Government to act to stop the killings and abductions...pray that the International Community would work to stop it!
Pray for the protection of Christians in Nigeria.. pray for those who are suffering. Thank you!

Bethany boosted

PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY~! And all the firemen, police , ambulance, medical and frist responders as they are traumatized also.
They were having a bonfire when the dad went to add gasoline to the fire as it was not starting. And explosion happened and the Dad, Mom, 1 year old and 4 year old girl, and 6 year old boy were all injured. The children and mom have life threatening burns and the baby just died after surgery.

We were best friends in Canada with 2 of the first firefighters that arrived on scene and have been in contact. They are taking it very hard.

Bethany boosted

120 students abducted from Bethel Baptist school in Nigeria by Muslim extremists.
Why are we so silent on this???
On this podcast I ask BTJ Nigerian partner and friend Pastor @Olamide to explain to us the situation.

Bethany boosted

Philippians 2:2‭-‬5
So I’m asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in perfect unity—with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy.
Be free from pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves.
Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests.
And consider the example that Jesus, the Anointed One, has set before us. Let his mindset become your motivation.

Bethany boosted

As a parent, I know that it is difficult to see your child suffer. I have worked with the persecuted church for over 20 years and know how much harder it is for Christians to see the authorities come after their children than after themselves.
This is why we started the BTJ Martyr Scholarship fund.
I have two kids in college and I know the kind of unexplainable excitement a scholarship can bring to a family. One of my favorite things to do in life these days is to see the tuition of a child of a persecuted family get their tuition paid for!
Nothing Like it!

Bethany boosted

To my global family,
This message feels so urgent. I had a dream that I don't remember, only I was aware that I'd been shown an illustration of the scripture where the Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast, it's hidden but is doing its work. It CANNOT be undone! It WILL have its effect. When I awoke later, I was pondering the dream and immediately the scripture came to me, (Psalm 126:6) where the one who goes out weeping, carrying the precious seed of the Gospel will INDEED return with joy, carrying the sheaves of the harvest. The words CANNOT FAIL were strongly impressed upon my heart and mind. So, brothers and sisters, please be reminded that your labors in Christ are NOT in vain. This message was so emphatically impressed upon me that I feel there may be someone in particular who has invested so much and is wondering if it's making an impact. People are giving their lives and is it in vain? No. You CANNOT fail when you are sowing the precious seed of God's Word.

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