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Man of God
Praise the Lord
Food insecurity is currently high families many people/families are having no table meal
We have tried to solicit food from every church member to bring a banch of banana and I bought maize flour to some few
Pray for Uganda

PLEASE PRAY FOR THIS FAMILY~! And all the firemen, police , ambulance, medical and frist responders as they are traumatized also.
They were having a bonfire when the dad went to add gasoline to the fire as it was not starting. And explosion happened and the Dad, Mom, 1 year old and 4 year old girl, and 6 year old boy were all injured. The children and mom have life threatening burns and the baby just died after surgery.

We were best friends in Canada with 2 of the first firefighters that arrived on scene and have been in contact. They are taking it very hard.

In the middle of ,,pandemic" God invited our House Churches Movement in Cracov to increase number of joint meetings. He gave us safe place to meet. It's been over a year since we meet every week. As long as it is possible, we will warmly welcome guests.

Food is a matter of the day as Ugandan are in the 18 the day of 42 day country lockdown.
People of helping hands and passion please reach us and help

6 July 2021
General requests .
1. An elderly Missionary couple, who are sick and discouraged. None of their children are following the Lord.
2. Denominational Churches without Pastors or leaders. Many died during the pandemic.
3. Orphans (especially children) who are suffering due to closure of orphanages and children's homes.
4. Believers who are not getting medical attention for Heart diseases, Diabetes, Kidney related and infectious diseases. Due to the collapse of government infrastructure.
5. Christian prisoners .
6. Increased violence upon ministries involved in converting Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus.

This storm looks freaky! I think I have seen movies about Exodus that had scenes likes this....but this ain't Hollywood.
As China's persecution of Christians increases - we are also seeing some freaky acts of mother nature.
Do you think that there is a connection between the two or is this merely a coincidence?

As we fellowship together on this Sunday morning and remember the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, may we also remember in prayer our BTJ missionaries serving the persecuted church in North Korea.

Being a church planter in uganda and rwanda. This is a church that was to be opened soon/launch but the shutdown in uganda has made it not possible soon I had scheduled this day. But now not sure when.
Lift the church and the body of. Christ in prayers

Loving God, Your desire is for our wholeness and well being.
We hold in tenderness and prayer the collective suffering of our world at this time.
We grieve precious lives lost and vulnerable lives threatened.
We ache for ourselves and our neighbors, standing before an uncertain future.
We pray: may love, not fear, go viral.
Inspire our leaders to discern and choose wisely, aligned with the common good.
Help us to practice social distancing and reveal to us new and creative ways to come together in spirit and in solidarity.
Call us to profound trust in your faithful presence,
You, the God who does not abandon.

They just won't leave the pastors alone up here in Canada. Have a service, you will be arrested. Pastor Stephens is in jail again!

Looking for prayer. I have some big decisions to make, and changes are inevitable.

Please pray for an aged Gospel worker, he remained a bachelor to care for orphans.
Left his homeland and settled among the people group he adopted.
He is on treatment for prostate related issues. Restless and sad as there are no visitors. Dementia, even gets paranoid sometimes.
Please pray for Divine health and peace.

Saturday will be a day of death that haunts the soul of thousands of young women who have scheduled abortions today. Saturday is Planned Parenthood’s kill-day.

Pray for mothers and fathers and babies. Pray for Doctors,
Grandparents, and Boyfriends. Pray for every person connected to an abortion. Pray for change, repentance, and healing. Speak LIFE. Lord, Jesus, have mercy.

We are doing a Bach family controlled study.
My wife and youngest son are now fully vaccinated.
Myself and my oldest son are not.
I've been traveling the world for months - different airport every week, speaking in large meetings, and staying in places with a no mask policy.
My wife is not traveling and forced to abide by the most draconian COVID policy on earth.
We will let you know our results.
You are welcome.

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