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davereimer boosted
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davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
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davereimer boosted

"Red sky at night, shepherd's delight.
Red sky in the morning, shepherds take warning."
I can't actually remember what the weather was like on the day that I took this photo, but if the rhyme is accurate, then it can't have been fair.
Anyway, the photograph below is of an incredible sunrise I witnessed a short while ago. For a brief moment (literally just a few minutes!), prior to the sun's appearance, the clouds above it suddenly exploded with magnificent texture and colour, lit up vibrantly in rich orange-pink.

davereimer boosted

I have seen several people in Indiana wearing old band t-shirts (AC/DC, Metallica, etc) and I have three questions -
#1 is this a new fad?
#2 where do they buy these?
And #3 have you ever worn a t-shirt with a band name?
I haven't. EVER. maybe i am not as big as a music fan as I thought since I have zero desire to wear a t-shirt with a band name? Hmm....
If, if, ...if I did wear a t- shirt with an old school band name it would most likely be Carmen, Petra, or Gaither vocal band!

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

"If Christ died for my sin, I cannot trifle with the evil that killed my best friend."
- Charles Spurgeon

davereimer boosted

Look at those pictures! I have never experienced that much snow! Talking about extreme weather...
"People in Russian Siberia, on the other hand, aren’t “dreaming of a white Christmas” like in Sinatra’s song. Because, in Norilsk, Russia’s northernmost city, residents are subjected to 45 days of darkness each year, with temperatures as low as -27.4°F in February."

davereimer boosted

@sinbach Interesting! Telegram is a different type app, but I thought it was supposed to be secure and free speech as well. I was so surprised when I tapped on a link to a Telegram channel and got a message that I couldn't access it because it didn't follow the rules for the Telegram app from Google Play. I learned that to access that channel, I would need to download the version of the app directly from Telegram's web page. I didn't do this, so don't know exactly what that channel was about but....Telegram doesn't feel as much like a free speech app to me anymore! Now I'm wondering about other apps.

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davereimer boosted

“Who is this?” they said to each other. “Even the wind and the sea do what He says!” (Mark 4:41).

Do we know this Jesus? Does this storm-calming Jesus disappear when we close our Bibles?

At times, I think I expect much more from my wife than I do from Jesus. But my wife can’t command storms and seas....

We expect far too little from Jesus.

We need to reconcile our creeds with our attitudes, decisions, and general approach to life.

A Jesus of theory or story hour is a sentimental comfort. The real Jesus commands the wind and seas and is a force to be reckoned with.

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