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davereimer boosted

@davereimer Even if someone thinks they don't have time to watch the whole video, they can be blessed by watching part of it, like me, they may return to watch the rest later😀

davereimer boosted

@davereimer Its all ok, apparently...the government minister said so!!

In truth, no, not good...lots of fearful people, and we're all told to go in with our lives as normal....which is great, unless you need fuel to get to work....

Media hyped it out of proportion. UK Government pointing fingers at the general population, hauliers, the media, and anybody else they can ...but they were warned about this ages upsets me because it is totally unecessary...all those hurting people 😠

davereimer boosted

Andy B. this is me, the waffle maker with my Waffler Iron.... Aka Waffle Maker. Sooooo, together we are a waffle making team.

davereimer boosted

@MiBurrito @tymektt

We're in the UK. We're semi-rural.

30 petrol stations up near the Midlands had an issue getting fuel late last week. It happens, rarely, and would have not been an issue. But the media covered it, stirred up fear, and in less than 72 hours almost all petrol stations in the UK have now run out.

There is plenty of oil in the refineries, and perhaps 150 drivers too k few across the whole of the United Kingdom which shows panic buyers are being stupid again. We saw it in the late 90s, but that was a strike by the lorry drivers: people buy the fuel they truly don't need, just in case, and that quickly gets worse. This it really bad quicker than I'd expected

Jo has a couple of days worth of fuel to get to work...people are getting stuck away from home, unable to return as there is no fuel... she should drive to work 4 times this week...

davereimer boosted

No fuel then!

We tried 5 petrol stations this evening to fill the car, so we didn't have to go out tomorrow...Jo has enough for two days right now, maybe - this situation blew up real quick! 72 hours....or less?

Met a guy tonight, who was nearly at the point of tears. He's spent the entire weekend ringing around garages, and then driving around, trying to find some fuel...he has 30 miles left in his car...he do any know what to do

Panic buyers....government blames the road haulage...everyone blames Brexit....but Brexit isn't the problems and neither is the RHA

The government was warned, and ignored the warnings...Brexit simply shone a light on the already existing problem

Meanwhile I'm waiting for my letter from the government asking me to consider returning to lorry driving....but I couldn't get there even if I wanted to

We've just got the older boys down to pray for our nation...we met many frightened and worried people who tonight

What a state our nation is in!

Andy B

davereimer boosted

Andy B & Bethany!
My first attempt at Yorkshire Pudding. My husband likes it!

davereimer boosted

Can you pray for my family please?
Our elderly cat Millie is missing from home since last night, she urgently needs her insulin! My family is deeply distressed.
I believe our Father God cares for small things too, and that He cares for Millie.
Thank you for your support.

davereimer boosted

Could this possibly have anything to do with the extreme weather that we have been seeing in China lately?

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

Tears fall. Today was already hard for many reasons. But tonight I saw this picture and tears fell like a silent waterfall.
This is little YuanHao. He was a precious little baby who was born with anal atresia ( no opening). He was cruelly brought to the brink of death 3 times before we got the phone call asking if we would care for him! In this picture he is almost a year old. When we got him he only weighed 6.5 lbs at 9 months of age. With love and care he learned to smile, and even laugh.
We got the blessing of loving him until he went to heaven due to internal organ failure.
It’s amazing how there is always a place in our hearts for each child we care for that will never go away.
🌹And can still bring tears🌹

See the before picture and after:

davereimer boosted

sometimes when we think of slavery and human trafficking, we think of the problem of other nations, when the fact is, it's happening in our own backyard

davereimer boosted

@sinbach from Back To Jerusalem joined me for an important conversation about Christians in the military and a particularly ANTI-Christian action our military leaders performed against Christianity in Afghanistan. Eugene argues that this action is THE REASON we failed to bring freedom to Afganistan.

davereimer boosted

Police have arrested one suspect and an accomplice for a stabbing assault on Friday which severely injured two people. It has been defined officially as an “Islamist terror attack.” The main suspect is a Pakistani citizen who arrived in France three years ago.”

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

I have NOT been vaccinated.
Go ahead and gasp in shock. I will wait.....
I am thinking about getting vaccinated.
NOW the other half of the room can gasp in shock.
I await ALL of your article links informing me how uninformed I am.
The truth is, I have spent the entire pandemic traveling the world. This year, in 2021, I have been on a plane flying to a different country about every week. I have been pretty irresponsible - speaking in large groups, hosting illegal meetings, not wearing a mask, hugging, shaking hands, licking door knobs - you know the usual.
I have also been tested more than anyone reading this post.
Let's be honest - there will a huge group of people celebrating when I finally get COVID.
But after traveling around the world, experiencing the lockdowns in China, US, and Europe as well as enjoying the relative freedom of movement in Sudan, Iraq, and Sweden - I have a few opinions.
You asked for them. Now you got them.

davereimer boosted

Even as a young boy, he had his eyes set on the military life.
Just two more weeks and I will be with him to watch him swear in to be contracted as an officer in the US Marine Corps.

davereimer boosted

BTJ Filming testimony for her explosive new book SHACKLED, due out on March 8, 2022

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted


95% of Christians have never lead someone to Jesus. And 61% don't regularly share their faith.

There is a need for more people who would be willing to share the message of Jesus with others. Jesus' final command must become our first concern.

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