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davereimer boosted
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davereimer boosted

Olamide chatting about his personal fears.....
Eph 6:10 KJV Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

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Pride is a thug.
Pride murders marriages and divides parents and children
Pride is a great deceiver, convincing us that our actions are justified and our anger appropriate.
Pride assures us of our righteousness even as we tear down the works of God.
Pride as a deceiver and a thug. Let us give him no quarter.

davereimer boosted

WOW!!! I just had such an AMAZING night sharing at Calvary Chapel Boise tonight!
Such a heart connect with sooo many people. PTL!!!!

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Been to the store lately and noticed that everything seems to be running a little low?
Have you tried to buy a car in the last 6 months and noticed the prices are much much higher?
Our electronic Bible production has been dealing with this supply-chain crisis for months and we explain why.

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Our dear friend Pastor Alain in Santiago de Cuba is facing charges for
Preaching the gospel in Cuba.
Please keep him and his family in prayers.

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davereimer boosted

saw these for first time in Washington DC today.
So thankful.
I now expect everyone to begin referring to me as "award winning documentarian."

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Pray for these beautiful children all rescued from the evil and trauma of human trafficking. This is one of several houses CMM cares for in Asia with our loving staff. The numbers are increasing and we ask you to pray about helping with monthly support for all their needs: food, medical care, clothing, utilities, Christian education and as they grow, vocational training so they can live Christ-centered, fruitful, productive, self-sustaining lives. Pray and give at HTTP://

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davereimer boosted

I was going to post this a few days ago.

Now I'm asking brothers and sisters for urgent prayer for healing. My wife and I have come down with Co**d.
Our symptoms are different one from another and we never thought we could ever get this..
I've been really sick with it for over a week now.
I feel like I should take something (besides just motrin IB and acetaminophen and organic apples, etc.) I've had almost no appetite for a week now. I feel nauseated to put food in my mouth and today it has been harder to breathe, and I've been dizzier.
At least my wife has been able to eat, but she's had a stronger cough for a while. But now the cough is getting me bad and making it harder to breathe.
I welcome prayers, recommendations, etc.
Bless you

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Facebook fact-checkers are financially supported by China.
NOW it all makes soooo much more sense.
THIS is why we started DingDash.

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God is still sustaining baby Diana! Doctors ate doing loads of tests to find out why her belly keeps swelling everytime they give her formula. Please keep praying! That little clinched fist breaks my heart.

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He's the God of the Impossible. May our hearts rest in Him. Whatever your obstacle today, may you see that He has never left you or forsaken you. He is working all things together for good. He is worthy of our praise!

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It is now being reported that there were many FB employees that were not able to enter their building in the morning.
Sounds like FB is trying to isolate and lock down the area to identify the threat?

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@TyaneBoye welcome to DingDash. We are excited that you are here.

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@cpineda welcome to DingDash. We are excited that you are here!

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