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davereimer boosted

@nappynargy welcome to DingDash! We are glad you are here with the DingDash family.

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Welcome back @Maryreda! This is the place to come when Facebook crashes, Instagram doesn't work, and Twitter blocks our account. 😂

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@Udderlyfamily welcome to DingDash! we are like a small town social media and we are glad you are here.

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@LadyC54 welcome to the DingDash family. With Facebook down today, we are a great place to reconnect with believers around the world.

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Dear hackers.
Could I put in a request?
Could you keep Facebook from EVER coming back?

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i want to stay up later to keep tracking what is happening, but it is getting to be past my bed time in sweden. got a flight to the US tomorrow.
Hopefully America will still be there when I wake up tomorrow.

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Now being reported that there may have been an arrest of a person of interest in regards to what is taking place with Facebook.

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We are putting together our BTJ Book Tour with Mariam Ibraheem for March 2022.
Sunday March 13th will be in Fairfax County, just outside of Washington DC, where Mariam will share her story and will be signing books.
More details to come. Can't wait!

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@KarlGessler @sinbach oh good! Disagreements can be super healthy if they're done the right way. I think maybe we both shifted slightly by the end. I really feel like some parts of the Church might be in a better place if people were able to question things, to agree and to disagree with love and respect. Maybe then there would be less division 🤔 Anyway, glad you enjoyed!

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@Cherishingsparrows2020 @speakthetruth sounds like a great idea. keep to your convictions. I haven't had the vaccination and haven't been sick in many years. I too don't judge others who take it and even hope to one day take it myself just to piss off the purists.
I am a firm believer that ALL healing comes from the Lord. God gave us that blessing. Why do you think medicine and medical practices are SO MUCH BETTER IN CHRISTIAN and JEWISH countries? How do we know that the vaccination isn't a gift? Because Joe schmo heard from God and said it's the mark of the beast? entire family had the vaccine and are doing great because of it. if someone doesn't want to take it, then GREAT. DONT TAKE IT.
BUT to pressure others to take it or not to take it by invoking Christ is bullshit. God forgive us for absuing His name for our own pursuits.

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@Udderlyfamily @LadyC54 @Peggyruth @Shawnc @gracefbuenviaje

Welcome to DingDash!!! Any questions or need any help…. Give me a shout 🙋🏻‍♀️

Great to have you join us here!! Free speech, no deleted posts or blocked profiles! 😉

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America may be here but it is not the same America nor will it ever be unless God in His great mercy saves us!

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Precious Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice, love and patience with us all, and the blessing of this social media outlet

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For all of the new users that joined us yesterday - Welcome to DingDash.
We are a small family from all over the world.

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We had such a large number of new members flood to DingDash yesterday when Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp crashed.
We were so excited to provide Christians with an alternative!

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I'll be speaking at 4 meetings in Idaho this month and will be bringing the pill-sized hologram Bible with me.

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