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This was posted on Facebook by the ministry 8thirty8:
"Dear friends, as we pray for Ukraine, let's also lift up our brothers and sisters in Russia. We received this update from a Russian friend this week."
"Please remember to pray for us here in Russia too! We are broken and hurting. But there are many believers here. We are continuing to preach the gospel and comfort people and encourage them to look to God! We have to look at God and go through this fiery furnace. Please pray for us believers in Russia who are trying to change our country from the inside out. One person at a time. We will preach the Gospel and God's love!" Message clipped. I didn't post the prayer from 8thirty8 due to space constraint.

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In Helsinki, Finland, outside the Russian Embassy, gathered a group of people couple of days ago to show their support to Ukraine. The choir sang a 100-year old song called "Terve Ukraina" (Hello Ukraine) written originally by Finnish poemist Eino Leino. Finland was standing then, and likewise is standing today, beside Ukraine.

(It's the latest video on the page)

davereimer boosted

Christians around the world are praying for Ukraine.
Are we seeing evidence of miracles taking place as a result of prayer?

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@sinbach "Are we seeing evidence of miracles taking place as a result of prayer?" - I was thinking the same when I read in the Finnish news about an analyze of the russian invasion, that it seemed like the russians are having problems with the invasion of Kiev. They couldn't figure out what the reason behind it is. I'd say "the problem" is God's peoples prayers!

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Putin takes it to the next step and threatens Finland and Sweden.
I am older, fatter, slower, and a little harder to hide, but if Sweden is looking for trained scout snipers, I can still serve.

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@sinbach God is stirring Polish hearts to throw all they've got and help Ukrainians in this dark time.
I see reports of tens of thousands of Polish guys and girls rushing to help: organizing convoys to the border to pick up refugees, buying necessary items and shipping them where needed the most, hosting refugees in their own apartments.
From both ends of the political views, above denominations, we stand united for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters.

Our country was SUPER divided for the last 2 years, now I start to see that we are becoming one again.

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I just a moment ago received a forwarded message in Finnish from Christians in Ukraine. I made my own translation of it to English (as best as I could) to post it also here:

An urgent message from
Vitaly Orlov

Sumy's Christian church's
Verkhovna Rada, Kiev

Beloved friends, brothers and sisters from all over the world.

We appeal to you in this dark time for all of us, when the black clouds of bombs cover the sun over our capital city.

This night the elite specialforces of the Russian federation together with Tsetsenian units attacks one of the world's oldest (from 400 A.C) and most beautiful cities, the spiritual capital of East-Europe - Kiev🇺🇦.

At this moment there are streetfights going on in Kiev. Everyone who are able to hold a gun in their hands; even senior citizens, students and pupils, have raised up to defend the city.


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The coming night and tomorrow day are critical moments. At stake is everything, what the whole civilisized world believes and what it has built so far.

With tears in our eyes we request you, no matter on what time zone you are in, to spend time in prayer and fasting in front of God. 🙏

Pray the Lord to protect us from insane armies, which wants to mock at the cost of faith and God's truth.

We ask you to share this message to all your friends, relatives and acquaintances in Europe, Asia, America and all over the world!

Prayer is stronger than the strongest enemy🙏🙏🙏!

Your brothers and sisters from Ukraine 💙💛

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Important information that you can share with anyone asking about Ukraine and how to get help once refugees get to Poland.

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(From "Who is Robert Malone".)

Robert W Malone MD, MS:
15 hr ago

Scientific Fraud and the CDC
These are the people entrusted with the truth

Robert W Malone MD, MS:
Feb 23

Millennials and the Covid-19 Pandemic
Guest Written By Rachel J. Katz


" Sometimes, we just need to pause for a moment and zoom out on the situation+[analyze] (...) Otherwise, we will completely let the Globalists delete the critical thinking process from all of humanity."

"Our grandparents raised our parents after some serious Tyrannical times. This included the post-Nazi Germany era, the ending of the Jim Crow Era, the Vietnam War era, The Great Depression, and many more extreme events. Our grandparents knew what it was like to fight for freedom. They knew better yet what it was like to nearly lose it all. So, then we have the follow on generation, our Boomer parents, who have had a really nice ride because their parents sacrificed so much for them. "

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davereimer boosted

"The Ghost of Kyiv"
Ukrainian pilot who may be the first European Ace since World War II. And the first Ace in a day worldwide since the 1960s I think. There are reports he got six aerial kills yesterday alone.
Keeping the skyes clear for the civilians on the ground.

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