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Maria boosted
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His Spirit will light your understanding to remember what is true. He won't fail. He cannot deny himself.

It's easy to stay in a place where you are welcomed and invited. And the Presence of God is really that place! He planned you, invited you and celebrates when you come to Him. He paid the price for you to come. Do you know that He always love when you come to Him? Do you really know? He wants you to know, you are very precious to Him.

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130 Christian fishing boats in China were forced to remove their crosses.
Yes - fishing boats!
But that is not the end of the story.
Half the population around the harbor where these boats are docked are Christian. After this unexplainable action by the Chinese government - that number is expected to rise sharply.
Persecution is the most potent fertiliser the church has and China has purchased it in bulk and doesn't use it sparingly.

God proves to be good to the man who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks. It’s a good thing to quietly hope, quietly hope for help from God. It’s a good thing when you’re young to stick it out through the hard times.
- Lamentations 3:25-27 (MSG)

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Maria boosted

We are on our way to the hospital for our daughter's surgery. May God be praised and glorified!

The spaces between the leaves, is the tunnel where the sun brings warm to those who need it. Maybe there are some holes in your heart, but His light will shine through, and your heart will be whole again. And His light will shine to warm many heart with His love. Our weakness, the best stage for His power. Don't be afraid, He sees in what you are becoming.

A day in which you decide to spend time with Jesus, is a day well spent. To live a life well lived, you have to decide it every day.

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Here is a sneakpeek at our next book cover. you are seeing here on DingDash FIRST.

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My name is Rodney Hine. In 2004 I started using crystal meth to cope with life. In 2006 I was arrested and released on promise to appear. In 2008 I got my girlfriend at the time pregnant. Shortly after I got arrested. This woman fought for me and helped get me out of jail and into treatment. At the end of 2008 our baby was born. Early 2009 we got married. Fall of 2009 I finished treatment and started using again. 2012 I left my wife and son to run the streets and do drugs. 2015 I'm on the brink of suicide when I call out to God to move in my life. Shortly after I entered Adult and Teen Challenge and gave my heart to Jesus. 2016 I graduated the program, my marriage is restored and my family moves 8 hours from home to start a new live with me. 2021 I'm now the Program Manager of the men's center I graduated from.

All glory to the one who saved me and gave me a new heart. Never lose hope, God can do anything.

Keep your heart wide open. His Love is a song for you ❤️

There is enough grace for all the journey. God is not disappointed when sometimes you fail, because His expectations are not in your strength, but in His sacrifice. And Jesus is the perfect sacrifice.

Many voices could tell you that you can't, but they aren't eternal. His Word lasts forever. Trust Him, you will find Him in every step of obedience. He loves you a lot!

Even if we are backwards the light, God will use reflects to let us know He is by our side.

There may be very hard things in you, but if you immerse them in the Presence of God the enough amount of time, they will soften.

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