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Here in Kansas we soon vote to decide between stopping 3rd term abortions and continuing to allow them! My heart breaks as I pass many Campaign signs advocating the slaughter of unborn Human Beings! Especially troubling is homes with children and the pro-abortion message! Abortion is analogous to the Cat covering up its excrement! It is sacrificing a child to the God of Self! The prominent God of this culture! Having seen what God did to judge Israel for turning to the Canaanite gods and sacrifice their Babies to those God’s. America has sacrifices over 60 million Babies to Self! I fear the judgement meeted out to America Will be much worse than that meeted out to Israel!’ We deserve destruction!

@bethany God planned a vibrant Church in China for these last days!!! As evil abounds I pray God’s love abound to guide, direct, strengthen & mature & anoint with His Holy Spirit , the believers in China, North Korea, Middle East, Africa, South Asia India, Columbia red zone , Southern Mexico , Mindanao, Cuba, & other Spiritual battle zones!

Why does the underground church of China continue to grow? How did it survive through the harshest years of communism?
"They did not depend on a centralized structure. Any believer could plant a church, preach, and baptise others. In this way they could multiply in secret. Also, strong organisations are easy to target. You can destroy their buildings, freeze their assets and arrest their leaders, but a church that does not depend on buildings, bank accounts or a hand-full of leaders, is very hard to control."

@tanjaostman @Berrybunchfamily in Kansas 100 to 102 with high humidity some days .. 105 is common a few days this time of year! I remember 113 many yrs ago! I am praying for rain & cooler days! I grew up with no air conditioning but have gotten use to needing it in my old age! Our temperatures are normal for this season! In Kansas the next season is always welcome! We range from 105 in summer to - 5 normally! However we typically have high humidity sometimes near 100 percent with the heat!

so far 4,750,000 Ukrainian refugees had fled the war zone and entered Poland.
I'm speechless.

@tymektt Most of us are on 1 meal a day. Bicycling to farm, ministry locations, etc

Inspite of political chaos administrators are doing their job well.
Colombo mayor is a born again believer.
Out of 4 groups trying to rule the nation 2 hold extreme religious or ideological views. (One is communist).

People are open and receptive to the Gospel message than before..
Many groups are discouraging farmers from sowing paddy, etc with hidden agendas.
Some groups have became extremely vulnerable, especially the war widows of last decade, etc
Please pray against Human trafficking , Laziness and extreme poverty.

@JesseStone I pray The USA will not cower...I pray the Gospel’s message of grace will penetrate many salvation!

@ChrisHarrison I pray Lord God you would open a door to hearts of the Laotian people.. and Government.. for the Gospel message!

Presenting gifts to the Laos government for distribution to the starving people pf the country. Our team was able to go with them. High up in government places, because of our massive contriution in the 18th most dangerous nation to be a Christian in and yet they accepted.

Those who bless Abraham will be blessed of God! President Biden is now causing America to be cursed of God while supposedly bring peace to Israel and the Middle East! He speaks with a forked tongue!

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