@Berrybunchfamily Spring is arriving and it is so very welcome. It's wonderful to enjoy the "little things" in life, such as hanging your clean laundry. There is so much going on in the world today that can dishearten us or cause us to fear. In this world, we will face trouble, but JESUS has overcome the world. He's already done it. It's not that He might do it, or even that He will do it eventually. He HAS done it. Resurrection Sunday is coming soon, but we can already celebrate His victory that is now ours. We can enjoy the good gifts He gives us. I believe He wants us to enjoy the sunrise, the sunset, a job well-done, a smile or hug from a loved one, a greeting from a stranger, or whatever goodness He sends our way. He knows there are difficulties to face, but our seeing His hand in the small details of life helps to put these trials in perspective. He is so worthy of our praise and our worship. Thank you for sharing these joys from your day!
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus I ask you to bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ who are on Ding Dash.
You know their life, their challenges, their fears, their problems and everything else in their life.
In the name of Jesus, deliver them, O Father, from all danger, give them the strength, the grace, the help of angels and everything they need to do Your will faithfully.
Comfort, Father, through the Holy Spirit, those who are discouraged, heal those who are sick and protect everyone.
May your powerful love continue to reign in the hearts of all of us, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
So, today was the first day that Polish citizens could hear rockets falling on the Ukrainian territory...
My neighbor was on the border when the Russians hit the military base, he clearly saw tens of rockets falling down, bringing death and destruction to our friends.
You HAVE to be filled the Holy Spirit to be able to respond with Bibles and not Bombs.
Do you want to pray?
Pray for the fire of revival spreading through Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia.
@faith20 You spoke earlier about the situation in Italy, and it's quite shocking to hear. Sadly I don't believe it's going to get easier with time, instead it seems to be something they want to make happen in other European countries, too. I got a confirmation about this when we had covid in my family just couple of weeks ago. I haven't taken the vaccin, so I called a nurse to ask whether I should need a pcr-test to verify it's covid. She said that a verification showing you have had covid wouldn't be of any use, because they are preparing for a vaccine passport next.
And that means, you can get the passport only by taking the vaccine, not in any other ways. So it's obviously coming to Finland too. What they'll use the passport for is something we'll have to wait and see.
We are praying for you and your family. God bless you and give you hope and strenght to each day 🙏
@sinbach I will try to communicate what's on my heart:
"And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold." - Math. 24:12.
I believe we as believers should be careful not to become cold for the sufferings of this world. Although we see how this world is evil and how in many ways iniquity is growing, we are not to turn cold. EVEN if there would be wicked people working "behind the scenes" in Ukraine (as some people seem to think) these kind of things should NEVER make us cold so that we no longer feel for the sufferings of people, or that we think that THIS is the fight we need to fight (and start seeing Putin as a hero..!). No. We are not to forget why Jesus sacrified himself: for the sins of the world, for the sake of us human beings: for the souls of Man. This is what matters.
I belong to Jesus;
I am not my own;
All I have and all I am,
Shall be His alone.
I belong to Jesus;
He is Lord and King,
Reigning in my inmost heart,
Over everything.
I belong to Jesus;
Blessèd, blessèd thought!
With His own most precious blood
Has my soul been bought.
I belong to Jesus;
He has died for me;
I am His and He is mine,
Through eternity.
I belong to Jesus;
He will keep my soul,
When the deathly waters dark
Round about me roll.
I belong to Jesus;
And ere long I’ll stand
With my precious Savior there
In the glory land.
(Maud Fraser, 1891)
Please PRAY urgently for Chinese Pastor Pan and The Mayflower Church. 🙏 🙏 🙏
Their testimony is incredible. Pastor Pan led his church of 28 adults and 32 children to pose as tourists and they fled China to the S. Korean island of JeJu, where they currently are. They have been denied asylum in S. Korea and unless they are accepted elsewhere (which they have not been up till now), they will be forced to return to China very shortly to face intense persecution and torture. They are submitted to the Lord's will in all things and are ready to face their return if need be. Pastor Pan is an amazing man of God and bold leader in the Chinese Underground Church. I'm posting an older article from Nov. '21 because it has great photos of them: This weighs so heavily upon my heart. Please pray. You will find out in the article how they got their name of "The Mayflower Church". https://vomkorea.com/en/2021/11/09/vomk-report-178/#comment-8637
@sarikorpi I'm going to address this in our.podcasts in next few days and really target the information to be beneficial for the edification of the Body of Christ
I am seeing a small number of Christians starting to adopt the idea that Putin is the good guy and supporting his invasion of Ukraine. I am seeing an increase of believers saying that Putin is destroying the One World Government, destroying the Deep State, and ending child trafficking.
Personally, from the evidence that I have seen - this is a lie.
Anyone that believes otherwise, I invite you to convince me otherwise.
"This is what I mean, brothers: The time is short. From now on, those who have wives should live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they did not mourn, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they did not own a thing, and those who use the things in this world as though they were not dependent on them. For the world in its present form is passing away."
1. Cor. 7: 29-31.
Look to Jesus! Cling on to Him! Make Him your absolute and ultimate goal! This world is fading. Our hearts should be so sealed in Him, so that whatever we do, have or own in this life, it won't shake or distract us away from the Rock we're standing on. By standing firmly on that Rock, Jesus, we are showing the Light to people around us to also join us there. To find true life. And that Rock will NEVER shake.
@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Berrybunchfamily
Praised be the Lord Almighty! Beautiful testimony.
3 Christians and 24 others killed in #Nigeria
I'm Mikko's wife and mother of our 5 wonderful children. We live in south of Finland, but I was born and raised up in north of Sweden. Jesus is my everything and my purpose in life is to follow him in everything I am and do. ❤
Rom. 12:1